Chapter 275 Jason must have no good intentions

Lucas blinked and asked tentatively, “Daddy wants us to help you?”

“Yeah.” Jason responded.

Lyla was a little puzzled, “How can I help?”

Jason said, “Just let me spend more time alone with her.”

He looked at the two children with eyes that seemed to say: Don’t bother me, that’s fine.

Lucas and Lyla glanced at each other, both a little confused.

Because, they also want to spend more time with mommy.

“Why don’t you answer?” Jason urged.

Lucas thought for a while, then raised his head, “We’ll see the situation, if there’s any need for help, we’ll help.”

Jason heard the sound, hooked the corners of his mouth, “Okay.”

So the three of them agreed.

After convincing his son and daughter, Jason is in a very good mood.

As for Aletta, she went back to the research room to get some medicinal materials and the developed medicine.

After Flora found out, she also came over, and asked with concern on her face,” Alta, how are my baby godson and goddaughter?”

Aletta didn’t hide anything, and told about the situation of the two children.

Including some arguments with Jason.

“He actually said such a thing?”

After listening to this, Flora was almost annoyed. “Men really don’t have a good thing! Thanks to me, I changed my mind about him before, as expected, a scumbag is a scumbag!”

After scolding Jason, she was worried that her good friend would not be able to beat him, so she asked, “Then what are you going to do now?”

“I’m worried about Lucas and Lyla. The two children are not recovering now… But Jason doesn’t agree with me taking them home. He means, if I want to take care of the children, I can, but I have to go to his place.”

As soon as Aletta finished speaking, Flora snorted coldly.

Jason must have no good intentions!”

what came to mind, she reminded with a serious face, ” Alta, if you go, you must

exhortation came inexplicably, which

yourself? What else can he

you to go to Hill. Family, who knows what he’s doing? Anyway, you listened to me right! Go out and protect yourself, especially a beauty like you! Absolutely not to


taken aback, and asked, “Yes, but,

granted, “Of course I brought it to Alta! If you go there and encounter something, just throw it away, don’t

couldn’t help

RuoWei said, “This … isn’t


urged, “Go

upon hearing this, and quickly went to get the

couldn’t laugh or cry, and quickly said to Flora,” Jason is not that kind of person, besides … he has no feelings for me! It is impossible for the things you think

and she forcefully pushed the medicine into.

if you don’t have one… but if there is,

couldn’t hold back Flora,

went home, talked about the matter

and then

was a little dazed when she

I lived here for two

at all, everything is the same as she is familiar

and plants were planted

all the way

back to the two years when I

so that when she arrived at the main villa, she

building in front

after marriage, she is always

period of life full of waiting and loneliness, as long

was timid about this

leave first, the door in front of her suddenly opened

Mommy, you are here!”

cute voices of the two children interrupted Aletta’s

along, and when mommy arrived, they immediately ran out

have been exposed, so they stopped

are so

sniffled and

that mommy didn’t want to

and cute voice broke the coldness

and was about to respond when Jason also walked over

with a chain on the


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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