Chapter 369 I’m Here, Don’t Be Afraid

The incident happened too suddenly, and Aletta had no time to react. She watched Jason rushing towards her. And the next second, his momentum brought them both crashing to the ground. Aletta’s mind went blank.

At the same time, something hit the nearby car. It was the sound of a silenced bullet hitting the vehicle! Eaton and the hidden. bodyguards quickly realized what was happening. They swiftly drew their guns and counterattacked in the direction of the bullet’s source–fast, accurate, and decisive.

The figure in black not far away seemed caught off guard and was hit in the shoulder. Seeing that Eaton and the others were about to pursue, the person had no choice but to give up and disappear into the chaos of the crowd.

“Chase the person! We can’t let the person escape!”

With the danger eliminated, Eaton made a decisive decision and ordered the bodyguards to give chase. He rushed towards Jason and Aletta, calling out, “Sir, Ms. Aletta, are you both okay?”

Aletta’s blank mind gradually cleared as she was called. She quickly asked Jason, who was still on top of her, “Jason, are you alright?”

Before the person on top of her could respond, Aletta suddenly felt that the spot she was touching was sticky. She blankly raised her hand, only to see it covered in blood.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she was stunned. Jason… had he been shot?

Aletta’s voice tensed up, “Jason, how are you? Where are you injured? You’re bleeding…”

“I’m fine, don’t be afraid,” Jason reassured her with slightly labored breath. He called out, “Eaton.”

Eaton immediately reacted and helped Jason up, his face filled with worry as he looked at him.

Aletta got up from the ground and hurriedly checked his arm. His clothes were torn, and indeed. He had been grazed by the bullet. Blood was seeping out…

The injury wasn’t severe, but Aletta’s breathing almost halted. If they had been a few seconds slower, the bullet might have pierced Jason’s heart. If Jason hadn’t reacted and she hadn’t noticed, the bullet would have gone through her body as well.

Thinking of this, Aletta broke out in a cold sweat right then and there. She felt chilled to the bone.

Seeing Aletta’s pale face, Jason reached out and held her. Comforting her, “It’s alright now, don’t be afraid.”

location of Jason’s injury and quickly suggested, “Sir, let’s bandage it first.

commotion had already attracted the attention of passersby. Despite feeling terrified inside, Aletta gradually regained her composure. Jason’s injury was more

“Let’s go to Lewis’s research institute first. It’s only a ten–minute drive from here, and we’ll be there

“Okay,” Jason didn’t refuse.

of them quickly set off for Lewis’s research

Aletta had already provided emergency

just returned to the research institute not long ago and was surprised to see Aletta coming back again. He asked with some confusion, “Why are you

spoke, his gaze subconsciously glanced at Jason. It was the first time he had

were soon drawn

Lewis recognized it at a glance,

and told him, “I was attacked shortly after you left. But

turned pale, and he worriedly asked,

her head, “I’m fine, I’m not

then did Lewis feel relieved. He looked at Jason’s wound again and said, “Follow me, let’s treat the

led them to the medical

Aletta helped cut open Jason’s clothes and took tweezers, cotton, and disinfectant from the first aid kit.

with the dressing, Aletta anxiously asked

his head and reassured her, “No,

words, Aletta couldn’t help but feel a sourness in her heart for some

person who attacked you? I have connections

to look back, but Jason spoke up, “The person disguised themselves, and I couldn’t see

and said, “They attacked outside the

“Yes,” Aletta confirmed.

message to have them retrieve the surveillance footage from the area. We should be able to

her gratitude, “Thank you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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