Chapter 370 Agreed to Be Together

Aletta looked at him…

The man’s face remained calm and steady, his gaze carrying a comforting power.

Aletta couldn’t help but calm down and nodded, saying, “Hmm, you go freshen up first. Change your clothes. Remember not to let the wound come into contact with water. After you’re done, I’ll go.”

Jason’s expression froze for a moment, then his eyes flickered with a meaning that was hard to decipher as he said, “If I wash up… I might need your help with undressing.”

Aletta was taken aback for a moment, unable to react immediately.

Jason moved his injured left arm slightly and explained, “I might not be able to raise my shoulder on this side, it hurts a lot. Eaton has already left to deal with the attack incident, and there’s no one to help me.”

He had made it clear with his words, and Aletta had nothing to say.

He was injured for her sake, so it was only natural for her to help.

However, the thought of helping him undress made her ears inexplicably warm.

She pursed her lips and took a step forward, saying, “Alright, I’ll help you.”

Jason seemed surprised that Aletta would agree.

But since it had come to this point, if he refused, he wouldn’t be much of a man!

“Then let’s get started.”

He lifted his slightly raised uninjured arm, waiting for her to assist.

Aletta couldn’t help but find it amusing to see the way he acted as if he could do whatever she pleased.

Suppressing her heated face, she helped him unbutton his shirt…

Jason lowered his gaze, fixated on her.

Her every move was unusually obedient, making him have the urge to pull her into his arms.

But in the end, he restrained himself. Afraid of scaring her away.

Soon, Aletta unbuttoned all the buttons.

The shirt revealed the man’s well–built chest.

Aletta dared not look at it and quickened her pace, helping him take off his clothes.

quietly let out a


put the clothes down, turned her head away. Refusing to


nodded but didn’t

the clothing

going to take a

her confusion and

gaze flickered towards

and couldn’t hide the blush

“You can handle that

even took three steps

only injured one arm, and his other hand

at her slightly panicked

was too easy to

and, despite not fully understanding.

glared at

his laughter and said, “Seeing your expression, I couldn’t help but tease you. Alright, I’ll go take a shower. Just wait patiently for me

raised his leg and walked towards

like that, Aletta’s worries from when she entered the room

minutes later, Jason finished his shower

noise and

efforts to avoid it, the bandage accidentally touched

to get the first aid kit. She said, “Come over here

walked over and sat next to

removed the bandage. Then proceeded to disinfect

movements unconsciously slowed down. Hesitated for a moment, and finally asked the question that had been on

a critical situation. If

to look at her and replied almost without thinking, “I didn’t think that much. If I have to say, it’s because I didn’t want

aware that the person in front of him had

words, and she tried to

might not believe it, but the significance you hold in my heart has

now on, I won’t let that happen. I will make an even greater effort to

into Aletta’s eyes with a determined

man speaking calmly but with the most. heartfelt words, remaining silent for

she really trust

and lowered her head. “You’re really overbearing! In the past, you ignored me, didn’t like me,

must know that I can’t harden my heart towards you,

words, Jason’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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