Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets Chapter 467

Chapter 667 Why Are You So Powerful

Flora was also touched by his confession that night, and felt sweet in her heart.

Immediately grabbed his shirt, tiptoed, and responded.

The two kissed passionately for a while before letting go of each other.

Ray’s eyes were dim, stained with strong lust.

When Flora saw this familiar look, her ears felt a little hot.

She subconsciously opened up a little distance, and said: “Let’s say it first, you can get out of control, but I’m not in charge of putting out the fire! The doctor said, you should control yourself for the first three months and don’t mess around!”

Ray laughed when he heard this, “I know, but it can be done in another way.”

His eyes were a little meaningful.

Flora wondered, “What other way?”

Ray didn’t answer, but went first to close the study door and lock it.

Afterwards, he returned to her, with a hoarse voice, and said, “Tonight, I will show you a method that you have never tried before…”

After the words fell, he hugged her and kissed her forcefully.

Flora was kissed in a fog, and the whole person was also ignorant, being led by the nose.

After about a few minutes, the temperature in the study suddenly rose.

Flora looked at the neatly dressed man in front of her, but she didn’t dare to look down at all.

She finally knows what the ‘untried method’ is!

Even though she was careless in the past, she is also blushing and tense at this moment.

Ray breathed heavily and breathlessly, kissing her lips again and again.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

Flora felt that her lips were hot, and her skin might be torn.

But the man has no intention of stopping.

it back, and said, “Ray, my hand is about to break, can you hurry

and said, “I want

was so angry that

This is too long!

fell in love with her appearance, couldn’t help approaching her, and said, “Otherwise, tell me something I like to

you like to

Flora was puzzled.

restrained expression, Ray whispered in her ear, “Of course it’s a love story, you can say

Flora immediately understood.

is not hypocritical at all, on the contrary, she is a very

it enough to say that

and whispered in his ear:

the charming atmosphere in the study finally

dressed and helped

her, the temperature on her face didn’t fade

saw it,


kicked him, looking

I just think that you are very courageous, and every time you do things, you

definitely shy in

always pay attention to efficiency in doing things, isn’t

speaking, she didn’t want to talk about this topic anymore,

“Finally know you’re hungry?”

took her hand and said, “Let’s go, you should

this, Flora’s eyes

held hands and

up the meal and

unconsciously, and after she sat down, she couldn’t help but take

eat it, it is sweet and rich, and it is

a bite, and the

thumbs up and praised:

Ava felt happy, and couldn’t help sighing, “I finally ate it, and the

right, it’s only

broken hair on his forehead in a high-spirited manner, looking ridiculous and

the spot, “Yes, the young master is amazing, and can make

choked on the spot, and her little

the back, suppressed a smile, and

White family. She has watched Ray grow up, so it is not

went back

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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