Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets Chapter 468

Chapter 668 Why Are They So Happy?

Flora couldn’t help but roll her eyes, “Well, then we must celebrate.”

After agreeing on this matter, the two walked for a while.

When Flora felt that she had almost finished digesting, she went back to her room to rest.

For the next two days, Flora was almost looking forward to Christmas.

On the morning of the festival, Ray prepared gifts for the parents of the Smith family.

Flora watched from the side, feeling a little amused.

She couldn’t help teasing, “You’ve mentioned too much. Are you going to my house for wholesale? We’re going back for dinner, not moving!”

He didn’t care about her teasing.

He took the time to reply: “I still don’t think it’s enough!”

Flora was too lazy to refute, but her heart was warm.

If this man hadn’t put himself in his heart, how could he have prepared so much for her family?

Soon, Ray put his things in the car and set off with Flora to the Smith family.

When they arrived, George and Maria came out to greet them one after another.

The two haven’t seen their daughter for several days, and when they see someone now, they hold her hand and care.

“How are you feeling these days? Is your appetite better?”

Flora held her parents’ hand and said with a smile: “I feel good. Although I don’t have much appetite, Ray goes back every time to find all kinds of food, so I’m not hungry at all.”

After hearing this, George felt relieved, “That’s good, eat more if you can. When your mother was pregnant with you, she couldn’t eat or sleep well for several months.”

Maria glanced at Ray approvingly, “Ray has a heart too.”

“You are welcome, this is what I should do.”

Ray replied obediently: “She was pregnant so hard.”

the two of the


two were relieved, and became more and more

room, and Ray also put

likes, and he chooses small gadgets that are more meaningful

he gave Maria was

mention the high price, the quality is

that he likes wine tasting, Ray asked his foreign friends to order

at the side, greedily watching, and sneaked

laugh or cry, “Dad, this wine is

your father, what’s the matter with

still a lot of collections in my dad’s wine cellar. Next time I come, I will steal a

Wade heard this, he couldn’t help laughing, “Is

in my mother’s garden! Last time, I accidentally trampled to death my mother’s rose, and my father


while, George

was happy to accompany

new son-in-law, George became more and

good ability, and funny

also tried her best to pick up food for

but his hands were peeling shrimps and picking fish bones for Flora, and even

who comes and accepts it very

can see the atmosphere they get along

to his daughter and sister, and it wasn’t

felt more at

lunch, Ray left with

family, Flora teased him with a smile, “I can’t tell,

them feel that I am their own, so

her mouth, her heart

a word, and the car arrived at the

also prepared a gift

a watch and a custom-made suit, and

it’s my

Flora, Marcie couldn’t put it down, “My

caring! Wife, let’s go. try on clothes, I


Marcie readily agreed.

went to try

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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