Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets Chapter 541

Chapter 541 Death or Quit

As soon as she entered, Aletta’s gaze fell upon the bed.

Carla, who lying on it had a pale face, with clothes stained completely in blood, a stark and disturbing contrast. Deep purple whip marks were visible.

Aletta could sense the maliciousness of the torturer.

This was unmistakably an unbearable torment.

Her heart constricted as she felt suffocated.

Upon seeing Aletta’s arrival, the members of the medical team seemed to see a glimmer of hope and hurriedly called out, “Aletta!”

Aletta quickly regained her composure and hastened over.

After observing for a moment, she noticed that Carla’s heart rate and blood pressure were low, and the situation was grim.

Aletta’s heart sank slightly, but she remained calm as she immediately took charge of the subsequent rescue efforts…

Outside, Jason sat in a chair in the corridor, patiently waiting.

In this situation, time felt particularly agonizing and drawn


He was worried that Aletta would not hold up physically and



Chapter 541 paeth o Qu

that all the effort made in her recovery would be wasted,

understood that Carla was lying inside, and

with a calm expression, he asked

left, the confrontation between the two sides was intense, so I left some of our men there to support Alex. The Black family will surely

hearing this, Jason

been rescued, he

closed door of the

Jason cared about the most

the Grand Hall of Black

wool carpet had been stained crimson red, the air was filled with a scent of

on both sides


madness tonight had caused the elders



541 Death or


along so many men,

managed to withstand

it said that Alex was in

didn’t have enough manpower to deal with the

had they received no

lady they had sent to Alex had proved utterly

What a waste!

elders, wounded and sitting on the ground, appeared utterly

shouted, “Alex, you’ve already killed Fred. Do you really want to kill us too? Can you really hold your power firmly as the clan leader if

outburst, Alex remained

his lips; half of his face was smeared with blood stains. With each widening of his

a hint of emotion, he said, “Hmph, it doesn’t matter what they think of me. Their opinions are irrelevant, However, without you troublemakers, the

is… then so be it.”

gone mad. He intended to eliminate

annoyed and uneasy as he asked, “What… what do you want

let out a

he mockingly retorted, “Oh? Are

elders turned pale, their expressions were extremely unpleasant. They had been proud and glorious for most of their lives,

two elders

was equivalent

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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