Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets Chapter 542

Chapter 542 The Severance

Vincent followed the sound and saw a little girl.

She appeared to be chewing on something, holding the gun with an air of casualness.

It seemed that nothing before her eyes was worth mentioning.

Vincent, unfamiliar with her, speculated that she must be from Jason’s side.

Alex, with a glance, also deduced the same.

He quickly averted his gaze and looked at the third elder, who lay lifeless on the ground, no trace of vitality left.

The bullet had hit his heart with astonishing precision, indicating an exceptionally professional technique.

Alex’s gaze shifted again and landed on the severed necklace.

The beautiful crescent pendant was now stained red with blood.

An air of hostility emanated from Alex as he lifted his leg and delivered a forceful kick.

After kicking the corpse aside, he bent down to pick up the necklace as if it were a treasure.

The second elder, sitting on the ground, witnessed the scene, and he was frozen. His blood ran cold, and his expression

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Chapter 542 The Severance

shattered as he mechanically raised his head to gaze at the indifferent and bloodthirsty man before him.

He knew that he had been completely defeated, and everything he once possessed had faded away…

Following the second elder’s capitulation, the others surrendered and disarmed.

From now on, no one in the Black family would dare to harbour thoughts of resisting Alex.

From now on, the name “Alex” terrified everyone within the family.

After that, Vincent hurriedly approached and expressed concern, “Mr. Alex, you are injured…”

his collarbone. A sharp pain shot through him, feeling like an

hand, his voice was

and instead turned to walk in another direction, asking Cora, who had

blood, felt no fear. She casually responded,

nodded and turned around, giving an order,


Chapra 542 The Sev

Vincent complied, “Yes.”

the way to the research institute, Vincent finally remembered something

17-204 Wouchers

was the earring that Miss Aletta had left behind in

surged within Vincent’s

felt a twinge

up courting doesn’t mean letting

intelligence, would secretly keep the belongings of the person he loved,

rear view mirror, where Alex

he had wiped the blood off his face, restoring his expression

was still that high and mighty, foul–tempered


In the research institute.

call from

him that the situation with the Black family had

542 The Sever

Cora, “How was the

were taken care of in an instant. The remaining one didn’t want to

instructed Cora, “All

up the phone and reported the

listening to Eaton’s news, Jason nodded quietly, his gaze

understood that besides Aletta, no one else

Jason care.

stood aside, waiting

Half an hour passed.

hurried footsteps could


Jason and Alex met, and both of them furrowed

them proactively, “Mr. Hill, Mr.

Jason nodded lightly.

clothes and asked, “Is Mr. Alex

Chapter 142 The Severance

288 vouchers

a minor injury. How

already gone in for operating. We don’t know the details yet, but it shouldn’t be a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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