Chapter 43

Brian frowned even more tightly after he heard Ava’s request.

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Ava was afraid that Brian would reject her straightly. Thus, she hurriedly explained, “I have never been to Yuthouburg, sol want to go abroad and open my eyes to see the world. I promise I won’t cause you any trouble. I will go sightseeing in the city by myself.”

After hearing Ava’s explanation, Brian extinguished his cigarette and replied coldly, “No!”

Ava put on a long face and asked, “But why?”

an excuse

Brian responded, “No particular reason. I just don’t feel like bringing you along.” He couldn’t be bothered to make an when talking to Ava

Ava seemed sorrowful, crying, “Brian, you are ruthless!”

Brian felt extremely uncomfortable when he noticed Ava addressed him by his first name. Thus, Brian looked at Ava and reminded her coldly, “Ava, It’s inappropriate for you to address me by my first name. Don’t do that again.”

Ava was shocked at Brian’s words. She looked at him and cried inside, ‘What? Brian even doesn’t allow me to call his


My parents and sister all call you by your name. Why

is my fiancée. It is reasonable for them to call me like that. However, you are younger than me, and we are not close. You’d better

She was so affected by Brian’s hurtful words that she ran out

his headache

room and went downstairs, thinking, ‘Ava’s words remind me.

reached Grace’s room. Just before he opened the door, a thought struck him, it’s me. She might rush over and

Grace will

Who is

He raised his hand and knocked

it?” However, Brian did not answer it. Seconds later, Grace opened the

Then, he

done when he was drunk last time. Thus, Grace covered her chest with her

mean? What do you think I’m going to do to

hands. Her room was small, only able to fit a desk, a closet, and a bed. She walked to her bed and sat, asking plainly, “What do you want

Chapter 43

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sat opposite Grace, asking, “I’m going on a business trip tomorrow. Do you want

puzzled. She seemed not to know why Brian would make that offer.

was shocked to see Grace’s confused expression and said, “Tsk. What?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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