Chapter 44

Grace tried to fight back her emotions when she thought of Brian’s threats.

She took a deep breath and responded, “I’m not seeing anyone. Dr. Vance and I have a strictly doctor–patient relationship. Cutting him off won’t be a problem for him.”

Brian knew Grace was lying. He wanted to do her well to make her remember who was her man.

However, an unfamiliar and complex emotion welled up within him when he saw Grace’s pale face.

In the end, Brian slammed the door and left without doing anything.

Grace fell on the bed. Tears ran down her face, wetting the sheet.

She wondered, “Why can’t Brian engage in a simple and pleasant conversation with me?

1 know myself well. I want badly to spend some time with Brian and create some memories that only belong to us.

“Still, considering Brian’s heartlessness and our inevitable parting in two months, everything seems meaningless.

Besides, what if he forces me to have sex with him if I go on the business trip with him? Thinking about the consequences gives me goosebumps.

best solution is

know Ava will definitely bully me, but

up to

the hospital to change her wound dressing. However, just as she approached the gate, she found Justin’s car was parked

heart sank, and she

Thus, he got out of his car and pressed the doorbell “Good morning, sir. Who

by the door

to see Grace Sherman. I’m her doctor. Could

toward the house and sensed things between them must be

Melvin asked, “Sir, are you sure? Grace

had no choice but to shout Grace’s name. Afraid other servants might

said, “Dr. Vance, I appreciate your concerns about me. However, I have

“I know you must have reasons

briefly, “No, I don’t.”


Chapter 44

know you won’t go with me,

100% 13:14

in Grace’s eyes when she saw Justin take out the gauze and medicine. She did not want to hurt Justin and

took them over.

Grace’s eyes and said, “Then, I’m leaving

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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