Chapter 174

Brian said without changing his expression. There are some things I need to discuss with you about the project.”

“Mr. Francis, if I remember correctly, Mr. Booth is in charge of this project. I can discuss it with him directly, right?”

Brian was furious when he heard her tone.

She was clearly inviting trouble, going so far as to purchase medicine on her behalf. It seemed pointless, especially considering he sensed her disdain and had nothing more worthwhile to occupy his time.

Grace sniffled and coughed twice.

Brian gritted his teeth and said fiercely, “Wait here.”

Grace felt that he was very strange, but she still wanted to see what he wanted to do.

Brian returned to the car and came down with a transparent bag. It seemed to be filled with medicine.

He walked over, took her hand, and placed the medicine in her palm.

There’s a way to take it. Remember to eat it when you get back.”

the medicine in his hand and threw it back to him without thinking.

you not to challenge my bottom line.”

a scumbag. I was afraid that the medicine you bought was poisonous. Can’t I

looked at her in

when she brazenly labeled him a scumbag

back nd considering it from a different

a scoundrel with

me. After all, you’ll be

coldly. “You’ve misunderstood. I just don’t want to see you deceive others‘ sympathy with your ying look.”

medicine into her arms and

his hand and hesitated for a moment. These medicines could not be eaten. In the id, he threw

mirror. His anger surged, prompting him to press down on the

20 Apr. M

Chapter 174

her in his

to the hospital. Dr. Ford prescribed some lamella root for her to take at a controlled dosage

returned home and began to

night, Justin called.

you encounter Brian? When Justin asked this question,

Because of her cold, her nasal voice was very strong

he say anything to you?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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