Chapter 175

Even on the last day of the audition, her cold had yet to recover.

Ever since the fight that day, Brian would conie to the audition venue every few days. When he saw her, he would only glance at her indifferently.

Most of the time, he looked at her with mockery. They barely spoke.

During the audition on the last day, Brian blocked her at the entrance of the washroom.

Grace frowned at him.

Without another word, Brian grabbed her wrist and strode forward.

“What are you doing?”

Brian pulled her into the car in one breath. He started the car and said, “Go to the hospital. Infusion.”

Grace’s heart skipped a beat. He hurriedly slammed the car door, “I don’t want to go to the hospital. Who wants you to take me to the hospital? Let me get out of the car.

Brian did not listen to her at all and continued driving.

door and ran. He had only

you want to infect everyone in the

fiercely broke free from

common cold.

like she was a little chick. “If I tell you to lose, you

“Let go

me.” Grace struggled fiercely. “Your touch disgusts me.”

looked at her. “What did

Don’t touch me with your hands

violently as he tried his best to control the urge to

disgusting, and this ungrateful woman was already starting to despise him. He found this discovery so unbelievable.”

felt that he must be crazy to be asking

flung her wrist away forcefully, got into the car, and

out, Brian never contacted Grace

Chapter 1751

to an end, and the production team

the day of filming, Grace

voice was as strong as ever. “The production team has officially started filming. From today onwards, you must go to the set every

took deep breath. She knew that there was no point in resisting Brian’s decision.

she said helplessly, “I understand.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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