Chapter 190

Ava smiled and moved aside to let Grace leave.

Grace quickly ran out of the hospital and got into a taxi.

Ava glanced at the taxi and hailed another one to follow Grace.

Nancy was sitting in the taxi. When she saw that Grace’s legs were covered in blood, she was shocked.

“Oh my god! Why are you bleeding so much?”

Grace got into the car. She was still in a nervous state. She thought of something and took out her phone with trembling hands.

Nancy looked at her tense expression and asked, “Grace, what exactly happened?”

Grace held Nancy’s hand and said with a trembling voice, “Brian knows that I’m pregnant. He wants me to undergo amniocentesis. If he finds out that the baby is his, he will kill it!”

Nancy looked at her and frowned. “He wants you to do an amniocentesis? Does he think the baby isn’t his?”

Grace nodded dully. Suddenly, she thought of something and looked up at Nancy.

He can quickly find out where I went! Let’s find a place without surveillance cameras and get out


off a gloomy and sinister vibe. “How

were so frightened that they

shouted from the door, “Kim! You made a mistake about the amount of plasma you counted just now. Why

a mistakel I counted three times. There can’t be a mistake. Could

the truth gradually took shape in his



terrified he was when he saw her walk out of the washroom covered in blood.

deceive him. He decided that even if she ran to the ends of the earth, he would

came over, wrote an application for Brian, and instructed a nurse to follow him to



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Sat, 20 Apr

Chapter 190

the entrance of the hospital captured Grace getting into

location immediately. He could only

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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