Chapter 191

After taking a shower, Grace sat on the bed and curled up into a ball. Nancy went over to hug her. “Don’t be afraid. He won’t find this place for the time being. Go to sleep.”

Grace did not sleep well. She kept holding Nancy’s hand tightly and had nightmares from time to time.

Nancy looked at her and opened her contact list. Staring at a name on her contact list, she gently walked to the balcony and dialed the number.

Grace woke up the next morning. She wanted to wake Nancy up, but when she saw that Nancy was sleeping, she couldn’t bear to wake her up.

She got up and dressed. Carrying her suitcase, she tiptoed out the door,

With her current situation, she supposed that it was better not to drag Nancy down.

Grace opened the door and went to the elevator. She waited as it went upstairs from downstairs. When the door opened, she saw a familiar face.

Grace looked at him in surprise. “Justin?”

Justin looked very anxious. He looked as if he had not slept the entire night. There was still some stubble by his mouth.

Justin walked out of the elevator and checked her up and down. After confirming that she was fine, he looked at her


are you

  1. I’ll

moment, Nancy, who discovered that Grace was missing, came out of the apartment to look for her. When she saw that Justin had stopped Grace by the elevator, she heaved a sigh of relief.

terrified! Even if you want to leave, you

Vance, come in and

sat at the dining table

mind your back, but I can’t have you leave alone.

sighed and continued, “I took Mr. Francis’s side previously,

you. I’ll call you when


county near Silrow City. This place was filled with ethnic minorities. Grace bough a set of ethnic clothes



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Chapter 191

surveillance cameras, it would not be easy

town, it was already

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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