Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 282

Yulia opened the door for her when she got home.

Natalie was shocked. “Mom, it’s so late. Why aren’t you asleep?”

“I was just watching television. Anyway, there’s something I want to tell you.” Yulia removed the facial mask on her face. “I am planning to leave the country tomorrow. Jared’s doctor called me this afternoon to say that he has been feeling unwell lately. I’ve got to go and take a look, or I won’t feel at ease.”

Natalie nodded. “Alright, I’ll send you to the airport then. I’ll go and take a shower first.”

“Go ahead.” Yulia dismissed her with a wave.

Thumping her shoulders, Natalie headed to the bathroom after getting her pajamas from her room.

After breakfast in the morning, Yulia brought Sharon to kindergarten while Natalie took Connor to the studio.

On the way, she received a call from Shane.

Natalie hesitated before answering, “Mr. Shane.’

“Ms. Smith,” Instead of Shane’s voice from the other end of the line, it was that of a gentle, middle-aged woman.

Natalie was stunned as she suddenly remembered who that voice belonged to. “Mrs. Wilson?”

it’s me.” Mrs.

“Who is it,

her finger up to gesture for him not to

nodded and held

she asked the woman, “Mrs. Wilson, how may

would Mrs. Wilson use Shane’s cell phone to

yet. In his dreams, he kept calling out for you, Ms. Smith,” Mrs. Wilson said worriedly as she took a look at the large black bed, where the handsome man with the pale face

“Calling out for


for m-me?” Natalie’s

sure about that, but could you come over


Wilson was practically pleading

Natalie had no choice but to oblige as she forced a smile. “Alright, I’ll go over


at her sleeve. “Mommy, is Mr. Shane

and I’ve promised his housekeeper that I would go and

Connor looked at

raised a brow. “I thought

to be very nice to Sharon and me, so I should visit him now that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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