Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 283

“Another man?” Mrs. Wilson furrowed her brows, clearly not believing her words.

Why does this kid look exactly like sir?

How could he be someone else’s child?

Natalie knew what Mrs. Wilson had in mind, but she did not explain further. Instead, she merely lifted her hand from Connor’s head and changed the topic. “Alright, Mrs. Wilson, bring me to Mr. Shane. Didn’t you say that he called out for me?”

Fortunately, Mrs. Wilson did not dwell on the matter and quickly cleared a path for her. “That’s right. Do come in quickly, Ms. Smith.”

Natalie responded with a murmur and held Connor’s hand as they entered the villa.

Following that, Mrs. Wilson brought both of them to the master bedroom located on the third floor.

When they entered the room, Shane was fast asleep on his bed. As Natalie stood by his bedside, she could not help but reach out to touch his forehead when she saw his pale face and heard his rapid breathing.

upon touching him. “He is burning

has given sir an injection.” Mrs.

eyes never left

before Natalie could say anything, “it’s just that his

rubbing alcohol at the headboard. “His fever should cool faster if we

has never allowed anyone to touch him, so I can’t

she realized what Mrs. Wilson was suggesting. “Mrs. Wilson, you

had in mind. I don’t have a choice either, Ms. Smith. Since he was calling out your name even in his dreams, he should fine with you

troubled, Natalie bit her lip and was about to speak before Mrs. Wilson interrupted her

Smith, since sir let you have his jacket last night,

to that, so she agreed with a bitter smile, “Alright, I’ll do


me, and I’ll get you something to

accepted Mrs. Wilson’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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