Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 305

However, Natalie was afraid that Connor would get accustomed to addressing Sean as his uncle. If we bump into Shane in the future, and he happens to hear Connor addressing Sean as Uncle Thompson, he’ll definitely suspect Connor’s identity again!

“It’s okay. Never mind if he’s not willing to call me Uncle Thompson.” Sean waved a dismissive hand as though he didn’t mind it. Then, he even had the other employees in the store get Connor some snacks.

Despite his maturity and intelligence, Connor was still a kid, so he was riveted the moment he saw the myriad of snacks.

Her heart softening, Natalie bent down slightly and patted him on the shoulder. “Go on.”

“Okay.” Connor nodded joyfully before going to the lounge area a near distance away to have some snacks.

At this time, the sales representative, who had just left, came back with the contract. He handed it to Natalie.

After glancing through it, Natalie’s brows furrowed. “This isn’t the car I want.”

“This is the car Mr. Sean chose for you,” the sales representative explained with a smile.

you the car at the back, no? That car’s design and performance are much better than the one you

a look at that car, Mr. Sean, but its price exceeded

about I sell it to you at the price of this

at once, Natalie’s eyes narrowed. In the next moment, she shook her head. “No thanks, Mr. Sean.

in her hand to the sales representative. “Please exchange

the sales representative looked at Sean

Sean nodded lightly.

The sales representative then

left, Sean stared at Natalie as he rubbed his chin. “Are

who’ll never allow yourself to be on the losing end, so you’ll definitely demand that I help you with something or other if I were to accept your favor this time. I already owe you a favor because of Connor, and I

startled for a moment before

gets past you, Nat.” He nudged his glasses. “So,

of hesitation, Natalie shook her head at once. “I’m really sorry, Mr. Sean, but I’ll only agree if you’re asking me with the favor

mind if you decline this time, Nat. However, the snacks Connor ate aren’t

Natalie with a half-smile on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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