Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 306

“You’re kidding! This is…”

“This is decided, then. Let’s go, honey!” Without giving Natalie an opportunity to finish her utterance, Sean grabbed her wrist and strode toward the lounge area.

“My car!” Natalie looked over her shoulder at the car as she was dragged forward.

At this, Sean’s lips curved into a smirk. “The car won’t go anywhere, so just sign the contract when we come back later,” he stated.

After saying that, he released his grip on her and scooped Connor up from the sofa.

“Put me down!” Connor struggled to break free as he kicked his tiny legs.

However, Sean held him all the tighter and even smacked his butt. “Stay still, kid. You’re my son now.”

“Mommy?” Upon hearing this, Connor gaped at Natalie at the side incredulously, his eyes going as wide as saucers.

Massaging her throbbing temples, Natalie was just about to speak when Sean walked out of the store with Connor in his arms.

but in the next instance, she immediately

in a hotel, Natalie finally relented and agreed to

blind date. Meanwhile, Natalie and Connor stayed

waiting for about half an hour, Natalie’s cell phone vibrated with

put her cell phone away and looked at

tiny head. “I’m ready,

sooner we can leave.” Opening the car door, Natalie carried him out of the car and placed him on the ground. Then, she closed the car door and went into

first verified the direction

floor where the restaurant was located, Natalie searched for Sean’s private room. Inhaling deeply, she

of the private room on the opposite side swung open. A group of men in suits and leather shoes walked out, the man in the lead

went in there was Ms. Smith, no?” Silas asked in a whisper after casting a glance at the private room on the

Shane lifted his chin

she even brought her

said nothing, his gaze

hesitated for a few seconds before suggesting, “How about I inquire about the other occupant in the private room

parted slightly, and he placidly threw out a single word. Subsequently, he left with the group of people, leaving

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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