Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 309

“I…” Natalie’s lips trembled.

“Don’t talk to my mommy like this!” Connor glared at Silas angrily with his hands on this hips.

“Mr. Campbell, you are wrong,” Sean spoke up for Natalie. “Shane came here especially for Nat which is very touching; however, it is moral kidnapping since Nat didn’t request for him to come. He came in because he wanted to do that, and he came behaving as if she had done something wrong. So, tell me who is wrong then?”


“That’s enough!” Shane interrupted Silas suddenly. His gaze turned frosty in such a way that Natalie was unable to interpret his emotion.

Natalie felt her chest tightened and a little uncomfortable but she remembered Jacqueline’s words the night before and her own decision.

She squeezed her palm and suppressed the feelings she had for him. Then, she looked at Shane and said coldly, “I’m very happy that you care about me, but I really don’t need it. Mr. Shane, you should stay away from me in the future. Divert your concern for me on to the person whom you should care for. Don’t hurt her feelings and regret it later.”

Shane pursed his lips and spoke coldly, “What do you mean?”

What do you mean by diverting my concern for you onto someone who deserves it? Who is this person?

no intention of replying Shane. She beckoned to Connor, turned to Sean and said, “Mr. Sean, I have already completed my task to get rid of the woman. Now can we

at Shane. Then, he followed the mother and son out

walked up to Shane, looking at the door behind him. “Mr. Shane, why did Ms. Smith’s attitude

when she was talking and laughing with Mr. Shane. Yet, she was avoiding

investigate. Whom did she meet from yesterday

you suspect that someone she


understand.” Silas nodded

was asking Natalie a similar question, why she deliberately distanced

Natalie did not reply.

his hands in exasperation so he opened the car

they reached

help. Some time in the future, perhaps I can treat you

“No, I’m afraid I would have to pay dearly

window and laughed. “Nat, you are so adorable. Alright then, we won’t go for dinner but

“Where?” Natalie frowned.

answering. Soon, he rolled up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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