Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 310

Within half an half, she arrived at the hospital.

Holding Connor, Natalie entered and called out, “Stanley!”

“Nat, you’re here.” Stanley was sipping water through a straw. When he heard her voice, he struggled to look up and gave her a weak smile.

Natalie hummed in reply, walked over to him, and put Connor down. Then, she observed Stanley with concern. “How are you feeling?”

Connor looked at him as well.

Stanley shook his head, smiling bitterly. “Not too good. Now, I finally understand how patients feel when they lie in bed unable to move an inch.”

Joyce put the cup of water aside. “Stanley, don’t move too much lest you put a strain on the wounds.”

“No.” Stanley replied faintly. His attitude towards her and the attitude towards Natalie were completely two extremes.

Joyce’s countenance froze for a moment. The expression in her eyes sank and she kept quiet.

situation, Natalie felt apologetic. Her lips moved. “As a

You chat with him while I go out and buy something.” After speaking, Joyce picked up her bag, lowered her head to hide the expression on

Stanley, “Nat, leave her alone. Let her go because it’s better

She looked at Stanley oddly, “I don’t

of them, Joyce and Stanley had been friends the longest but she did not know how long they

Joyce was not so cold. It only became like this three years

look into Stanley’s eyes as his glasses reflected light so she could not

moments, he smiled plainly. “Nat, this is between the


that it was just

it was better for her not to pry as it involved their families


his hand to take off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, “By the way, Nat, I

when she heard him mention Shane

squinted. “Did Mr. Shane mention anything? Did he talk about the reason

which caused the car

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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