Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 312

“Sure.” Joyce agreed, laughing.

Thereafter, Natalie and Connor followed Joyce to the communal kitchen next door. It was a kitchen solely used by patient’s family members to cook.

The trio left, leaving Stanley alone in the ward. He reached for his phone next to the pillow, his face somber as he made a call.

The call connected in one ring. A woman’s gentle yet gloating voice sounded. “You’re awake?”

“Was it you?”

The woman pretended as if she didn’t understand and said, “What are you talking about, Dr. Quinn? What was me?”

“You were the one who did something to the brakes of the car!” Stanley clutched onto the phone tightly, his voice cold.

Natalie to feel guilty?

he interrupted in a fierce voice. “You’re the one


was about to snap it in half. “I suggest you best forget about it. Do you think you’ll be fine as long as you end my life? Shall we bet? Once I’m dead, the evidence will immediately turn up on the internet. Not only those about Nat, but I’ll reveal the ones about Shane Thompson’s parents too!” Stanley grinned evilly

the door open

hand and

grab my bag,” Natalie said, heading toward

as she placed the bag on her shoulder, Stanley

textile mill studio. He said something

on the road.” Stanley waved a hand at

later.” Having said that, Natalie took Connor’s hand and

other designers. Thereafter, she had to go to the textile mill to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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