Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 313

After all, Shane might reward him if he had done Natalie a favor.

Natalie held the documents against her chest and declined. “Thank you for offering, Mr. Plumlee, but there’s no need. The warehouse where I store my fabrics is on fire. My employee has already called the fire department. I’m gonna go take a look.” She bowed apologetically before leaving the restaurant and drove off.

Watching as her car left his sight, Niall contemplated for a minute before he eventually decided to report the matter to Shane.

Shane’s brows furrowed when he heard the news. Why would the warehouse be on fire for no reason?

“Silas,” Shane called out, knocking twice on his desk.

Silas pushed open the door and stood at the entrance. “Yes, Mr. Shane?”

“Prepare the car!” Shane ordered as he stood up.

Silas asked, “Are you going out, Mr. Shane? But there’s a

meeting. Postpone it for two hours. I’ll be back soon.” He retrieved his coat from the coat

smoke breaks for the same

he drove toward the

destination. She had managed to make it within twenty minutes for a typically thirty-minute

The manager hurriedly ran toward

as she watched the fire destroy a part of

was a traffic

cut him off with bloodshot eyes. “What about the fabrics? Were

manager lowered his head in

body swayed, feeling like her world was spinning. She held onto her car door, forcing herself to keep steady. “Not a single yard made it out?” She questioned, squeezing her palm tightly. She had to keep composed,

the fire ignited. We were all eating our food outside and had no clue what happened. When we returned, the fire had spread. There was no way we could enter,

shut her eyes in despair. At that moment, another car came to a stop next to them. Joyce hopped out of it, running up to grab Natalie’s hand without bothering to shut her car

informed her that they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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