Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 333

Alice’s forehead creased at Natalie’s question. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I have only hired someone to kill you. I’m not involved with the arson of your warehouse or the car accident with your child.”

“What?” A look of disbelief crossed Natalie’s face.

Shane’s expression turned somber.

Natalie’s face paled. She gripped Alice’s shoulder and asked with a shaky voice, “You said you weren’t behind these two incidents?”

“Yes.” Alice nodded.

Natalie looked into her eyes and saw that she wasn’t lying. The former felt chills ran down her spine.

If it wasn’t Alice nor Jasmine, then who else could it be?

It seemed like there were still enemies hiding in the shadows.

Natalie closed her eyes and rubbed her temples, trying to remember who else she met after she returned.

Her head started to ache, but she couldn’t think of anyone suspicious.

softly when he saw that she was in pain. “That’s enough. Take a break if you

her head in his chest. She caught a faint refreshing minty smell that helped her calm down. Once she was feeling better, she released her grip and pulled

much better now. I will catch the culprit behind the kidnapping of my child and the arson attack

fixed her gaze on Alice. “Ms. Brown, good luck in prison. I hope you will change

room with a

of Alice’s sorrowful expression. His mind was

contradictions in Alice’s confession and her expression, and she didn’t

Gunn was the one who identified her as the culprit after his investigation. He couldn’t have gotten the wrong person because he

shut the door. Noticing Natalie was speaking to a police officer, he joined

of prison will she be sentenced to?” Shane heard once

intentional homicide twice and was involved with the gangs, so it is likely that she will get at least

pressed her lips into a line. She felt

attempted intentional homicide

other damages?” Shane stood beside Natalie with a hand in

compensation in that regard, but I’m not sure about the exact amount. This would have

you.” Natalie

officer flipped through the document in his hands. “If there aren’t any more questions, I would need

pen and signed at the spot the officer had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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