Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 334

Natalie laughed but smacked her forehead as she remembered something. She took out a check and a black card from her purse and passed both to him. “Mr. Shane, this was the money I borrowed from you previously and your card.”

Shane’s expression turned dark.

Even though he was displeased with her returning them so urgently as if to sever ties with him, he still accepted them.

Because if he didn’t accept them, she would’ve been put in a difficult situation.

Natalie grinned after she saw that Shane had accepted the check and card. “I’ll take my leave then. Goodbye, Mr. Shane.”

She waved goodbye at him then got in her car.

Shane pursed his lips as he stared at her car leaving. He then drove to the Thompson Group to host an important meeting.

Once Natalie reached the hospital and entered the room. Joyce asked urgently before she could take a breather, “How was it? Who is the culprit? Did the culprit admit to the charges?”

charges. She’s part of the Brown family, and her name is Alice

glinted at Natalie’s

expected. The “culprit” caught was merely a scapegoat, so that was why he didn’t hear

why would she sacrifice a scapegoat

be her?”

eyebrow. “Do you know

the same high school as me. She’s real pretty and was

the scariest thing. They are willing to do anything to achieve whatever they want. Of course, the same goes for men,” Stanley

classmate to

is only a handful of people who would love only one person in their entire life in

for you at the same spot,” agreed Joyce as she glanced

paused briefly then returned to reading

lowered her eyes bitterly when she saw that Stanley

breath, and changed the topic. “Nat, did Alice admit to burning down

her doing. The same goes for Connor’s

an octave.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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