Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 342

The podium was right next to the doors to the conference room.

When Liam pushed Jasmine past the podium, Natalie noticed Jasmine’s lashes flutter subtly.

Realization dawned on her. Jasmine is pretending to be unconscious!

Natalie released a sardonic laugh. I really have underestimated her shamelessness.

To avoid explaining her design concept, she even went as far as pretending to faint. How revolting!

After Jasmine was sent to the infirmary, the branch president stopped the live stream and announced the results of this competition round.

The crowd gradually dispersed and soon, there were only a few people left in the huge conference room.

Alfred was sorting out the four selected design drawings when Natalie approached him.

smiled at her. “Nat, you came just at the

“Sure.” Natalie nodded.

please. I’m short

of clothing at the moment and couldn’t even be considered an accessible luxury brand. Hence, her studio simply did not have the ability to carry such a top-quality and luxurious

studied it for most of my life. In fact, I’ve practically learned everything there is to know about

softly. “Of course, I’ll sell

penny less than what you deserve.” Alfred put down the

are you planning to buy Jasmine’s design

that I’m attending an ancestral ceremony next month, so I’m planning to use this design and make it into a garment. It’ll be the perfect gift.” Alfred stroked his

her fingers together and cautiously said, “Alfred, with all due respect, you can’t buy that design because it’s doesn’t belong to

faded and a stern expression

long history of plagiarism. Many designers in our circle more or less know about her underhanded ways. Besides, she has already been plagiarizing since the beginning of the competition. None of

his eyes a

all, no one would dare to casually

some doubts. “You said Jasmine plagiarized during the previous few rounds, and I believe you. But how could she have plagiarized during this round? I only announced the theme before the competition. How

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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