Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 343

Jasmine can’t conceal her history of plagiarism forever. There will be a day when she’s exposed. Even Isabelle will be labeled as an accomplice. When that time comes, what would others think of Alfred? Would they think he deliberately divulged the theme to his granddaughter and asked her to subdue the other contestants?

“I’m alright.” Alfred took in a deep breath. He suppressed the rage in his heart and forcing a smile onto his face, but he failed to hide his sorrow.

“Nat, you told me this to protect my reputation, didn’t you?” Alfred leveled his gaze with Natalie’s.

Natalie hummed in response. “Yes. During the previous round, Jasmine plagiarized my mentor’s work, so I’m going to make her pay no matter what. I’m planning to wait until the finals to expose her, but once it’s revealed, both Isabelle and your reputation will be affected. I don’t wish for that to happen.”

Thus, the reason she had told him was to give Alfred a chance to remove Isabelle from this matter altogether as well as clean up all traces of contact she had with Jasmine.

This way, even if she exposed Jasmine and the latter wanted to drag Isabelle down with her, there wouldn’t be any evidence of Isabelle’s involvement. Outsiders wouldn’t believe her and would naturally assume that she had somehow found out about Alfred’s theme and was trying to frame his granddaughter to destroy his reputation after being exposed.

Alfred was a shrewd person, so of course he knew that Natalie had his welfare at heart. He gratefully patted the back of her hand and said, “Thank you, Nat. I’m forever indebted to you. You can come to me anytime if you face difficulties in the future. I will help you the best I can. As for Isabelle, I will deal with her accordingly.”

Having said that, he turned and walked out of the conference room with the help of his cane.

stay either. Checking the time, she departed from the

left, she went to the infirmary to see if Jasmine

to be seen.

children. Just after taking off her shoes, her received a notification of a payment transfer from Alfred on her phone. It was the copyright fee for her design, totaling up to two million, which was at least double the amount of what

zero commercial value internationally.

a token of his

smile graced Natalie’s lips as she tucked her phone away. “Connor, look after your sister while I

Connor nodded

her children’s hair, then put down her bag and went to

twins sat on the carpeted floor in the

then, the doorbell

glance at the direction of the bathroom. “Mommy,


surmised that Natalie probably couldn’t hear him. Hence, he climbed to his feet and went

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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