Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 383

Shane was not the least surprised at that answer as he had already guessed it.

Just then, Silas arrived together with the teacher.

Silas had already briefed the teacher on what happened on the way there. As such, once the teacher saw Shane, she immediately bowed and apologized, “Mr. Shane, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know that these kids would… “

“Enough.” Shane, who was holding Sharon’s hand, cut the teacher off and continued, “I don’t want to listen to all these. I want you to contact the parents of these kids at once. Their parents should be responsible for their kids’ misbehavior. I’m not going to punish the kids as their parents are the ones to be blamed.”

“OK, sure,” the teacher had no choice but to agree at once as he knew that the man was deeply offended and furious by what happened. There was no way he would let the matter slide if he didn’t meet the kids’ parents. As such, she contacted those parents right away.

Shortly after, the parents arrived. They rushed to the school as soon as possible after knowing that the CEO of Thompson Group wanted to meet them.

Upon arrival, when those parents were informed that their children had bullied the daughter of the CEO of Thompson Group after being incited by a random bit*ch, they were so mad that they started spanking their kids.

When Sharon saw her bullies being punished by their parents and were crying, she finally smiled.

smile on the little girl’s face. As such, he did not make things difficult for those parents and

that, Sharon’s bullying incident came

Shane walked out of the kindergarten with Sharon, holding

the car, he looked at Silas, who was at the driver’s seat

happened on the same day that Natalie

using a two-pronged approach to force Natalie to

starting the car engine at

kept her head lowered on the way

a conversation with her, she merely responded by shaking

knew that Sharon was deeply hurt by

more fragile than adults and would be more sensitive to what others said about them, often believing everything they heard. Not to mention being exposed to such vicious comments, which

silence ensued in the car all the way

hand, Shane

back. Feeling happy, she put down the television

immediately and dashed towards Natalie. Hugging her mother’s thighs, she asked while sobbing, “Mommy, why is it that everyone

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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