Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 384

The reason for that was because the boy wanted to find out why their dad had abandoned their mommy!

Faced with the kids’ expectant gazes, Natalie opened her mouth but was at a loss for words. “Mommy doesn’t know as well,” she replied while stroking Sharon’s head apologetically.

What a liar!

Shane narrowed his eyes. He could easily tell that the woman was not speaking the truth.

Sharon started crying again as she clutched tightly onto Natalie’s collar. Burying her head into her mommy’s arms, the girl’s sobs grew louder. “Boohoo… I want my dad… I want my dad!”

Her daughter’s cries were like a dagger that pierced through Natalie’s heart, causing her much pain.

Just then, Connor clenched his tiny fists and looked at Natalie calmly while speaking, “Mommy, do you know why Sharon wants our dad so much?”

Natalie moved her lips and was about to answer before Connor spoke ahead of her, “Because today isn’t the first time Sharon heard other kids saying that we don’t have a dad.”

“What?” Natalie’s expression changed as a look of disbelief crossed her face.

eyes flickered as well, as he pursed

us. Those kids would always brag about the places they’ve been to with their dads

Natalie heard that, she swayed on her

forward to steady her,

both of you tell your mommy about it?”

was also what Natalie wanted to know. Holding her son’s hand, she said, “Exactly! Connor, why didn’t you tell me

mommy is already having a hard time bringing us up. We don’t

deeply guilty for not being aware of what the kids had gone through instead of feeling glad to have two such sensible children. She felt bad that her two young kids had endured the bullying by other kids silently out of care for

kids earlier on and had not heard such vicious words, the girl would not have lost control and asked for her dad. If that was the

couldn’t help but blame herself at that thought. Stroking her children’s heads, she apologized continuously, “Sorry, my

their mommy’s apology, they were suddenly overwhelmed by the grievances which were stored in their hearts and the three

Connor was bawling

was, ultimately, only a

moment, he really wanted to take all three of them into his

knew that it wasn’t the time for him to do

a long time, the kids’ crying subsided

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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