After all, he had a backup, so no biggie. Plus, he was curious to see just how good Flora really was.

"I've got some stuff to handle, so I'm heading out," Shawn said, and quickly left the lab.

Flora, with her chin resting on one hand and the other on the mouse, scrolled through the thesis. Shawn's work was solid, with clear and tight logic, but some of the data was too vague, making the overall argument feel flimsy. The last section, in particular, lacked depth.

Flora knew this because she had seen a similar thesis by Jules on robotic surgery, and she had a photographic memory, so all the data was still fresh in her mind. She recalled Shawn mentioning that if Dr. Ray saw the report Alexa wrote, he'd be furious. Dr. Ray did seem a bit harsh.

With a slight frown, Flora decided to help Shawn out since he had been pretty nice to her. She quickly made the revisions, finishing in just twenty minutes. She didn't alter the document directly-didn't want to be rude—so she added comments instead, making it easy for Shawn to change things back if he didn't like her suggestions.

By the time Shawn returned, Flora had already finished and moved on to something else.

"Shawn, is your thesis ready? Dr. Ray's been asking for it; he wants to see it before lunch," Darcy said, poking her head in.

gave it

surgery this afternoon that you can observe up close. The chief surgeon will be the head of the city hospital. It's a rare opportunity, so meet in the

everyone responded

back with her ponytail and face mask. His eyes narrowed behind his glasses,

you observe the

Flora just shrugged nonchalantly.

grab some lunch. Come with me,

"Okay," Flora nodded.

she agreed. He led Flora to the cafeteria and confidently pulled out

you want; it's

choosing a main dish, a side,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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