I hear Alpha Graham's footsteps walk back down the hallway as he leaves the dungeon. Ryan tightens his grip on my neck, extending his wolf claws, making me yelp.


As soon the door slams, Ryan releases my neck and kneels in front of me. His face is contorted with anger. His eyes flicker black as his wolf, Dagger, comes to the surface. He grabs my shoulders, shaking me roughly, "What the Hell did you do to make him so mad?"


Why isn't he beating me like he told Alpha Graham he would? I stiffen my whole body, avoiding eye contact with him. I'm shaking so badly, I can't even speak now. The thought of two people beating me regularly for the rest of my life...it just can't be real. Can it?


How can the Goddess allow this to happen? I want to die. That's not an exaggeration. That's not me being dramatic. Please, Goddess, don't let this happen. Just let me die.


I shake so badly that I fall to my knees. I start to sob hysterically and my brain shuts down from being able to think rationally.


Ryan grabs my chin and forces me to look at him in his cold gray eyes. He looks at me in horror for a moment, "Wh-what happened to your eyes?”


He moves his hands up from my chin to just below my eyes. It feels like his hands are trembling against my face.


"A-are you a hybrid or something?"


All I can manage is to shake my head no between sobs. As I shake my head, I feel him starting to press his thumbs against my lower eyelids obstructing my vision.


eyes out. Holy crap, he saw the violet color. He was going to blind me. I place


like time is standing still because I'm in the middle of a traumatic situation. No, time is actually frozen. Well, frozen for everything except for me I should say. I can feel it in the


lasts for a moment. I pull Ryan's hands away from my face easily. The look of anger combined with confusion is stuck on his face. Next to him, a fly is suspended in mid-air. The


Did she have mercy on


Ryan with wide eyes. My hands are glowing purple. As quickly as it stopped, time starts again. Ryan starts screaming and


down at my hands. They are normal again, not glowing purple. Seriously though, what the Hell just


tight, waiting for Ryan


will kill you," he says in my ear. Then he punches me in the stomach, knocking


long I sit like this but when I finally open my eyes I


a while longer, sobbing, shaking, and trying to catch my breath. He didn't hurt me? Surely he was coming back. I sniff the air but his scent is gone. I listened carefully but there were no sounds in


me. Thank you," I say out loud, just in case the miracle I just


find me before I could get off the territory. I think he really would kill me at this point. Speaking of


my face and look in the grungy mirror. Both of my eyes are pure violet now. The silver streaks are starting


to my room and get dressed in leggings and a t-shirt. I put on the baseball cap Diane gave me, pulling the brim low to hide my eyes. Throughout dinner, I receive murderous glares from Alpha Graham. I make sure to keep my eyes to the floor so Alpha Graham would avoid seeing the color. Ryan glares at me every chance he gets. After dinner, it takes longer than usual to stock pantries because whoever did it while I was in the hospital had no


It's the last day of school. Well, for other people anyway, not me. You don't need an education to cook and stock pantries, Alpha Graham's words ring in my ears. Just another day for me,



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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