Chapter 89
Although Dylan died, his subordinates were still there.
When Leonard raised his head to look at the other people, those people brought by Dylan all trembled, and there was a look of fear in their eyes.
They knew how strong Dylan was, and now he was easily beaten to death.
The next moment, even with more than twenty people, they still chose to escape quickly.
This time, Leonard didn’t need to move. The sound of gunshots rang out all around.
Several bodies fell to the ground, but many figures appeared in all directions.
It was the people under Rex’s hands.
“Catch them.”
Leonard ordered.
Soon, the remaining seven people were escorted in front of Leonard, and they all knelt there.
Leonard looked at these people indifferently and said, “Answer my question well, and I can spare your life.”
A man raised his head with a look of longing in his eyes.
“What you said is true?”
“Well, go
ahead and ask!”
The man was obviously not the kind of person who could sacrifice his life to keep a secret.
“What exactly is the Blood Emerald Pearl? How to use it?” Leonard asked.
The man replied without hesitation, “The Blood Emerald Pearl is a rare treasure. It comes from the Jacobson Clan, it just appeared at an auction, and the person who took it was killed at home.
“Various forces fought over the Blood Emerald Pearl and finally fell into the hands of the Hanson family.
“It is said that the Hanson family wanted to dedicate it to Asura Sect and obtain its protection.
“Some time ago, there was sudden news that Miss Hanson lost the Blood Emerald Pearl and drew a portrait. The Hanson family is quietly looking for the person in the portrait.
“And someone found you in the surveillance footage at the airport. According to the footage that day, everyone judged that the owner of Blood Emerald Pearl was now in Newden City.

“As a result, all the major families rushed into Newden City. As for the specific use of the Blood Emerald Pearl, we are just subordinates, and we don’t know about it.”
Hearing the word of Miss Hanson, a figure suddenly appeared in Leonard’s mind.
“It seemed that the woman was Miss Hanson. The people from Asura Sect came to Newden City mainly to find me, and the competition for the Millennium Ginseng may be just incidental.”
“Who are the people of Asura Sect came to Newden City?”
Leonard continued to ask.
The two parties have already taken different sides. Leonard certainly wanted to kill all the enemies and know who else came to Newden City besides Scorpion.
“It is said that Asura Sect sent a leader. The leader is already a big figure in Asura Sect. I don’t know anything else.”
“Just Scorpion?”
Leonard frowned.
At the same time, the man kneeling there saw Leonard lose his mind for a moment.
The man suddenly burst up, and a cold light in his hand pierced Leonard’s chest.
Leonard looked cold, and when the opponent’s dagger was about to stab his clothes, he grabbed the opponent’s wrist like lightning and twisted it hard.
The dagger fell to the ground with a “click,” and the man’s wrist was instantly twisted.
Chapter 89
At the same time, gunshots sounded nearby, and Rex and his men, who reacted, fired directly.
Those who were kneeling on the ground were all shot dead.
But the man who attacked Leonard was spared life instead, and he looked extremely scared.
Leonard’s eyes were a bit cold.
“I said I would spare your life. Why do you still want to kill me?”
There was a bit of a sneer on the man’s face.
“I know how cruel you people are. You will kill us when you get the information you want, so I never thought you would
spare me.”
Hearing this, Leonard was a little stunned and couldn’t help shaking his head. “You are wrong. I really wanted to let you live. It’s a pity.”
Leonard reached out and grabbed his neck when he was done speaking and twisted it lightly.
Just hearing a “click,” the man’s head fell limply.
Leonard threw him on the ground casually.
At this moment, several black cars were driving towards this side quickly.
The siren above was flashing red.
“It’s the people from the Bureau of Police.”
Rex hurriedly came to Leonard.
Obviously, the fight here has attracted the attention of the Bureau of Police.
“Then let the people from the Bureau of Police deal with these bodies.
Leonard turned around and got into the car directly after he finished, and Rex’s people also disappeared on the street.
Ten minutes later.
The whole street was full of people from the Bureau of Police.
Even the Sky Corps from the Governor’s Mansion also appeared.
Besides, there were also many onlookers around.
At the entrance of the street, several cars drove quickly.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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