Chapter 132

“Look! That bicycle seems to be chasing after the car.”

“No way! That’s a BMW. It only takes 3.5 seconds to accelerate from 0 to 3280 kilo feet per hour. I don’t believe he can catch up.”

The people around also noticed Leonard, who was pedaling his bicycle frantically.

They were all speechless.

In their eyes, Leonard’s behavior was simply ridiculous.

However, the next moment, Leonard suddenly started to stand up and ride his bicycle, with his legs spinning like a whirlwind.

The small bicycle wheel kicked up dirt and shot forward like an arrow, leaving the bow.

“Oh my God! This is insane!”

All the pedestrians around widened their eyes in disbelief.

And in the blink of an eye, the bicycle turned into a tiny dot.

At that moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

No one could believe a bicycle was running at such a speed.

The pedestrians couldn’t believe their own eyes.

After all, the BMW had already accelerated, yet Leonard, on his bicycle, managed to catch up and even narrowed the distance between them.

“How is this possible?”

Everyone rubbed their


Someone couldn’t help but pinch their companion next to them to make sure they weren’t dreaming.

And when Leonard’s bicycle completely disappeared from everyone’s sight, the crowd finally woke up from their trance–like


Someone took out their phone, wanting to take a picture and share it on their social media platforms, only to find that the bicycle had long vanished without a trace.

“What the hell? The world is truly insane. I’ve never seen anything like this before.”

A man exclaimed and vented the shock in his heart.

“You guys, wait until I catch up with you. I’ll teach you a lesson.”

Leonard looked at the approaching BMW with a smirk on his face.

He was thinking about whether to give them a whipping or educate them in some other way.

driver had already accelerated to 120 miles

per hour.

roads, it was

you think Elmore has

really beautiful. If it weren’t for Elmore being interested in her, I can’t help but want

man sitting in the passenger seat said.

it. Even Elmore doesn’t catch her eye, let alone

determined to win her over today,”

he couldn’t help but

school, there wasn’t a guy who didn’t have some fantasies about Gina.

at that moment, in the rearview mirror, the figure of a bicycle appeared in sight.

young man driving the car

that guy on the bike is actually

hearing this, everyone in the car wore

were stunned,



Chapter 132

It really is that guy.”

jaw almost dropped in astonishment.

beside him

running at over 120 miles per hour? Are you kidding me? The damn bike

the car couldn’t help but swallow their saliva and

closer, and it won’t

made a

it, damn it,


“We’re almost there.”

turn and performed a beautiful drift, coming to a stop at the edge of a

were many people gathered

ask that idiot on the bike what he’s trying to do by

take a look first. If that idiot dares to get angry, you should just teach


Haward Grey nodded.

forget that I’m the vice president of

out of the car and walked

after them, originally intending to teach

the next moment, he was attracted by a scene in the square.

a girl wearing a pure white dress, which swayed in the gentle breeze.

girl with a ponytail and

and graceful figure, with a calm and gentle temperament that

at this moment, in front of the girl, there stood a young man wearing a shirt and sporting a slicked–back hairstyle. He held a bouquet of flowers

Will you be my girlfriend?”

“Say yes!”

“Say yes!”

people shouted

I don’t like

tried to leave from the side.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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