Chapter 133

Leonard ignored Haward and looked at the square.

Things changed on the square.

Elmore held Gina’s wrist. Gina was, after all, a fragile girl and couldn’t break free.

Elmore squinted coldly at Gina as she embarrassed him.

“Gina, I gave you flowers and confessed my love in front of so many people. I have been so good to you. How dare you reject me?

Elmore tried to sound calm, but it was obvious that he was impatient and angry.

Clearly, even though he was rejected, he wouldn’t leave.

“Let go of me.”

Gina’s face was gloomy. Her eyes were full of anger and disgust.

Elmore gnashed his teeth in anger.

“Gina, you’re trying my patience. Since you are unappreciative, don’t blame me for being rude.

Elmore forcefully pulled Gina over.

At the same time, he put his other arm around Gina and tried to kiss her on the face.

Gina panicked.

Before Elmore’s mouth could touch her face, she suddenly kicked him in the groin.


Elmore screamed and instantly let go of Gina’s wrist. He clutched his groin and moaned, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Gina finally freed herself from Elmore and hurriedly ran away.

However, she was stopped by a group of people just a few steps away.

“Gina, how dare you hit Elmore?”

The guy with a crew cut pushed Gina. She took a few steps back, almost falling to the ground.

Today’s incident was premeditated by Elmore, and most of the people there were his friends.

Gina couldn’t escape so easily.

“Stop this bitch. Damn it. How dare she kick me?”

Elmore gasped and shouted angrily, his eyes red.

“Brat, are you ignoring me?”

Haward said angrily when he saw that Leonard didn’t respond to him and instead looked at the square.

didn’t pay attention to him and

watch Gina being bullied.

Haward even

“Damn it. Did I let you go? Lick the soles of my shoes, and

a wealthy family, so he had always been

him made him furious, and he

looked at Haward with a

so focused on watching Gina that he didn’t notice what Haward had been nagging in front of him and was

teach Haward a lesson later, but Haward had

immediately said coldly, “Get out of my way.

expect Leonard to be so arrogant in front



Chapter 133

decided to give

immediately shouted, “What the fuck did you just say? Say

before he could finish speaking, Leonard couldn’t

argue with Haward, but Haward

Haward was now cursing at him, he

Haward’s neck, exerted force, and


his abdomen, spewing stomach acids

black belt, but he was no match for

tears streaming down his

He directly grabbed Haward’s hair and slammed his head

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

face was covered in

and Haward collapsed to

over him and walked towards the square without

had been kicked by Gina, had

held by two

face and raised his hand,

beautiful face

could fall,

his head and saw

coldly, “How

Elmore cursed, “Fuck you…”

his other hand into a fist

his fist could land, Leonard dodged and forcefully

a bang, Elmore was pressed down by Leonard, and his face was

even seen Leonard’s move clearly before he was

intense pain in his arm tortured his nerves.

hit me? I’ll kill you…” Elmore cursed.

moment, with a crack,

in pain.

standing there for? Kill him!”

face was distorted with fury and pain,

guy with a crew and the

as they rushed

Elmore’s arm, stood up, and kicked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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