Chapter 147

After leaving Newden University.

Leonard took Ethan and the other twelve influential proprietors to a common restaurant to have a light meal.

These men wearing fine suits and bow ties gathered to have a meal in such a common restaurant. This scene attracted the attention of many people.

If the people watching Ethan and the other twelve men knew their true identities, there would be the biggest news in Newden tomorrow.

However, Ethan and the other twelve men naturally accepted the way they were treated. What was more, they felt lucky and proud.

They didn’t care about where and what to eat. What was important to them was that they had the meal with Leonard.

They even thought that since Leonard took them to such a casual place to have a meal, it clearly showed that he treated them as close friends, not outsiders.

After the meal finished, these fourteen people said goodbye to each other. And Leonard returned to his villa.

As soon as Leonard entered the community, he saw a beautiful and tender figure squatting at the door of his villa. It was Marianna.

It seemed that Marianna had been waiting here for a very long time. She even fell asleep with her head on her knees.

When Leonard walked up to her, she opened her eyes in a daze.

“You’re back?”

A small smile appeared on Marianna’s face. She was about to stand up, but because she had squatted for too long, her legs were numb. As a result, Marianna threw herself into Leonard’s arms with a bang.

“How long have you been waiting here?”

After Leonard opened the door and helped Marianna enter the house and sit on the sofa, he asked this question.

“I arrived at your door at five o’clock. But I didn’t expect you were not at home. Thinking you were busy with your things, I didn’t call you.”

Marianna said it embarrassedly.

“What do you want from me?”

Leonard poured a glass of water for Marianna and then sat down.

“I’m going back to the Rodgers family with my mother tomorrow.”

When talking about this, Marianna was a little depressed.

She didn’t want to go back, but the Rodgers family’s ban on Leonard taught her a lot, making her think through a lot of things.

Marianna knew that if Leonard was hurt because of her, she would feel terrible and guilty.

heard from Melanie that if she didn’t go back to the Rodgers

very well how powerful the

Leonard asked, feeling

well that as soon as Marianna returned to the Rodgers family, she

no longer force

smiled, and to


stood up and said

me walk you out.” Leonard walked Marianna


around and opened the door. The moment she stepped out of the

next moment, she suddenly turned around, stood on tiptoes, and kissed Leonard gently on the face. Then she said

she waved to Leonard


of Marianna who was gradually going away, Leonard couldn’t help frowning slightly. He

be a good thing if the Rodgers family really stops forcing

will be

her family by running away, she has

out of Shoal Manor

and Jason were both in the


be bewitched by him? “That guy should feel lucky. If you weren’t


On the other side.

he had time to

is coming to visit me at

old man walked

long time


Morris, the head of the Morris

Tyler, it’s you.

was filled with surprise in

thought, “Although I have influences in Newden, it can’t be comparable to

you informed me in advance, I

Tyler to sit down and let

hard in his heart, guessing why

some connections with Tyler when he was young, but later, Tyler was in Imperial City, and he was in Newden. What was more, they had no business contacts.

as the head of the Morris family,

around the bush. He went straight to the point. “This time, I came to


Ethan’s doubts deepened.


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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