Chapter 148

“Mr. Truman? Are you Victor Truman?” Ethan couldn’t help but exclaim.

Not many people knew about Victor at this time, but twenty years ago, the name “Victor” caused a sensation.

Victor was a martial artist, a pure warrior. More accurately, he was a crazy martial artist, a madman.

From the moment he appeared in people’s sight, he challenged the top experts of Imperial City and fought them to the


Within one month, he continuously challenged eighteen formidable experts of Imperial City and defeated them all. shocking the capital.

At the same time, he also made countless enemies.

The relatives and friends of those killed by him and his martial arts sect brothers plotted revenge against Victor.

In the end, Victor faced a blo ody battle, killing more than seventy people barehanded and staining Imperial City with blood.

But he also suffered severe injuries and escaped in hiding.

It was said that people from various forces turned Imperial City upside down but couldn’t find Victor anywhere.

The forces suspected that someone was secretly hiding Victor, but they didn’t know who was helping him.

Three years later, Victor returned and annihilated one by one the forces that had once tried to kill him. He also challenged Bill, the number one expert in Imperial City at that time.

After inflicting serious injuries on Bill, Victor finally returned to Fairedge, devoting himself to the study of martial arts and never taking action again.

It didn’t mean that Victor had repented. It was just that he believed no one was worthy of his action.

Everyone knew that such a demonic figure should not be provoked.

Unexpectedly, Victor was invited to Newden by Tyler. Then everything was clear.

The person who assisted Victor in evading the pursuit of many experts twenty years ago was Tyler.

Ethan couldn’t help but draw in a breath of cold air.

While Anthony and the Gora Group could intimidate most forces, they could never frighten Victor.

Because in Victor’s world, there was no such thing as “fear.”

“Mr. Truman, it’s good that you’re here. As long as you help me kill Leonard, our debt from the past will be repaid,” Tyler said excitedly.

He and Victor didn’t arrive in Newden at the same time.

After visiting Victor, Victor said he would come on his own, but Tyler didn’t expect him to arrive so quickly.

“Kill Leonard, and our debt is settled. Have you really thought this through?” Victor said coldly.

“Of course, if I don’t avenge my grandson’s death, how can the Morris family hold their heads high in the world?”

“Fine, I’ll go get Leonard’s head for you now.”

Victor was about to leave.

Tyler hurriedly spoke up, “Wait.

“What else?” Victor asked coldly.

any extra expressions, even


knew better than anyone that Tyler’s original intention for saving him was not pure. Tyler just valued

to kill Leonard publicly. Thus, everyone knows the consequences of

in a cold

wasn’t stu pid. Since Anthony was behind Leonard, if


if Victor took action in

once. They would only think he was from the Morris

believed Anthony would

Even if he was angry, he wouldn’t lose his sense of proportion. He would take one step at a time and



nodded and then, like the wind, disappeared from the living room

it clearly. He left through the

the speed was too fast, it


and exit, those bodyguards didn’t react at all. They didn’t

Ethan couldn’t help but feel a

be as easy as taking

wasn’t afraid of

how much wealth or power you had, it would be

could Leonard survive this

thought so, but he found Tyler looking at him with a smile

I have nowhere to stay in Newden. I will stay at your place today. You won’t

Tyler’s words, Ethan couldn’t help but sigh and curse silently, “Such a foxy

guessed he would pass on the message and

could only pray that Leonard would be lucky

left, Leonard received


precious, and mass production is temporarily not feasible.


hearing this, Leonard couldn’t

had actually come up with it so quickly, and Leonard thought it was normal for the materials to be

how could the

list of materials to the courier to

newly made black ointment ‘Elixir of Longevity, and I have also sent it to you. It should be arriving at your house

them to me with an

black, and who would think it’s a treasure? Don’t worry, it

you prepare the materials, and I’ll

that, Barrett hung up the

as Leonard hung up

person appeared at the

the door, and it was the

dollars,” the delivery person

shocked and

The shipping fee turned out to be

dollars. Take care on the way, young

paid the fee, he

was indeed a small piece of

the black ointment and examined it up and down,

a storm in the

would also reach


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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