Chapter 12: Merry Christmas 

Christmas Eve was peaceful. The slow outside was falling so slowly and soundlessly it felt like being inside a snow globe. I had added my presents for the triplets under the tree I had used the credit card they gave me to buy them. I also begrudgingly bought presents for their parents out of respect. The Triplets grandparents visited us. Their paternal grandparents were notorious snobs and they had never liked me. They were scarcely able to hide their horror at me being the triplet’s mate. Their paternal grandparents mostly just ignored me 

The triplets insisted that I slept in their room that night. According to Calix “waking up to me was the greatest gift”. He was so dramatic but his lines never ceased to amaze me.

I snuggled up to Alex. Felix was behind me. Calix was on Alex’s other side. I could not believe Thad kissed all three of them. I wondered if they had told each other about that. Since my first kiss with each of them, I had been keeping my distance a little out of sheer shyness. Now, I was enjoying their body heat.

“Do I get a goodnight kiss?” Whispered Felix in my ear. 

I turned around to face him. The Alpha kissed me, relishing the moment, wrapping his arms around me tightly. He nipped my lower lip, making me gasp and granting his tongue access to my mouth. I moaned as he climbed on top of me and settled himself be against me all the while never breaking the kiss. His hands rubbed my sides, squeezed my waist and finally tangled in my hair lifting my head closer to his. I pulled away, breathless and Felix grinned

“You were very much worth the wait, Baby,” he whispered, still on top of me, nose to nose. I smiled. I had found out they were my mates on our birthday on November 11th but i had not kissed them properly until late December. I started to feel sleepy. Felix spooned me. I felt so warm and comfortable. He was whispering to me as I drifted off to sleep, telling me I was beautiful, that he loved me, that his brothers loved me, that he could not wait for me to bear his mark and his heir. I did not hear the rest. Sleep embraced me. 

I woke up to find that the Triplets were already awake but lying in bed talking, waiting for me to wake up

“You guys never wake up early,” I said sleepily. “Except on Christmas Day, sleeping beauty,” said Calix. 

Alex kissed me, his lips moving gently against mine. He sucked on my bottom lip and nibbled it. It felt so good. He pulled away and smirked at me. Before I could move in for another kiss, Calix hopped over and pressed his lips to mine with an urgency I was not expecting, lighting a fire in my lower belly. I was breathless when he was done. Felix pulled me to him, kissing me eagerly and tangling his hands in my hair. While we kissed, I felt Alex‘s mouth on my neck, planting hot open mouthed kisses down to my shoulder. He nipped my shoulder making me squeal which granted Felix‘s tongue entry to my mouth. Calix‘s and Alex‘s hands were now both roaming my body, squeezing my most tender areas. Felix broke the kiss and pushed me down flat onto my 

Chapter 12 Merry Christmas back in the middle of the bed. Three pairs of hands were now caressing me. My wolf thought it was a Merry Christmas indeed. The triplets did not undress me. They knew I was not ready for that but they massaged every part of me they could reach. Felix was kneading my breasts while Alex was squeezing my thighs and my butt and Calix rubbed my sides and my core through the thin fabric of my pyjamas. My underwear was soaked in no time. I was panting. 

“Merry Christmas, Baby,” said Felix huskily, reaching down nibbling my lower lip. “Merry Christmas, Chasity,” said Calix as licked and nipped at my ear. “Merry Christmas, Luna,” said Alex raising my top and planting kisses on my tummy.

Igiggled but quickly stopped in case it made their wolves go crazy. They were looking at me hungrily. I quickly extricated myself from them before things got out of hand. They followed me to the living room. Their parents were already up, holding their mugs, and cuddling together. I was immediately transported back to Christmases of the past and how horrible and alone I had felt while the family showered each other with love and I cooked and cleaned. No one used to even say “Merry Christmas” to me let alone gift me anything. My first Christmas with them at age nine when I had not known any better, I had made gifts for the triplets in arts and crafts at school: little paper dolls. The Triplets had cast them into the fireplace. 

I stopped dead in my tracks. The fireplace was ablaze. Felix immediately pulled me to him, sensing I was tense.

“Mmm, Baby, talk to me,” he said, tightening his arms around me. “Chasity!” Called Alex, gripping my chin and trying to make me look at him. 

Look at me when Im talking to you!Demanded a sixteen year old Alex on Christmas morning

Thad overslept, crying myself to sleep, dreading another awful Christmas where I felt unwanted. I missed my parents. They had been junkies but they had always tried to surprise me with things. They had been like children themselves and the three of us would have fun and laugh when they were not too high to notice me

“Are you even listening to us?Asked Felix, grabbing my hand. Thad not made breakfast yet and the triplets were already done opening their gifts

Whats the point of you being here if youre not going to work off your debts?Asked the Luna. Its almost noon and no breakfast!She rolled her eyes and went to the kitchen to make it herself

Felix pulled me by my hand out into the snow. I remembered when they had dipped me in the ice-water. I started to scream and struggle against him, fearing a repeat of that

Ugh, Im not going to do anything to you. Im just putting you out of the house! If youre not gonna earn your keep then maybe youd rather be out here,snarled Felix

Felix released my hand and went back inside shutting the door on a thirteenyearold me. / hugged myself, shivering in the biting cold. Alex glanced at me from a window then shut the window. I thought I would be out there forever. Im not sure how long had passed but I was leaning against the house in a nook trying to stay warm. If I were human / would have been hypothermic by now

There you are!” 

Chapter 12 Merry Christmas 

I flinched and looked up. It was Calix 

Look, hurry up, my brothers are napping after lunch. Go to your room and lock the door,said the youngest triplet 

Calix led me inside, tiptoeing. He waved his hands in the air. I made a run for my room and was relieved to hide there for the rest of the day

his hands in the air, snapping me out of my

launched myself at him like he was a raft in the middle of a treacherous sea I clung to him and

my back “Little Luna, don’t cry, I can’t take it,” said Alex softly, running

lifted me into his arms and kissed

Chasity. No one is going to hurt you. Ever

at us all of a sudden?” Felix said. My wolf whimpered at the pain in his voice. She wanted Felix. She always wanted Felix.

do? Everything was fine,” Alex asked, sounding broken. My wolf whined, wanting

it. We‘re sorry,” said Felix. “It‘s not that. Calix was there just now too but she wants him,” Alex said softly. “Calix, take me to my room,” I

said take me to my room but that was my old life. Calix would not carry me to the my old makeshift room. I needed him so badly all of a sudden. I straddled him. He raised his eyebrows. Maybe I could separate him from the other two. He was the easiest to forgive and my heart and mind were too fragile right now. My wolf was furious at the thought of trying to just have one of the three. She was determined to have all

against Calix. He groaned. He seemed reluctant but he immediately got

God, Chasity,” he

up with me with on his lap and straddling him. He

broke away.

are you mad at Felix and Alex? Do you

what if I just want one only?” I said


S Borus 

Chapter 12: Merry Christmas

“Huh,” he said. 

I only want you and we forget about your brothers?” I asked, instantly remorseful. I could not believe I just said

I would do whatever you asked of me and so would Alex and Felix. I don‘t have it in me to deny you but that would break my brothers. We‘re linked. We‘re like one Alpha in three different bodies. We‘re identical triplets Chasity,” he said, his eyes pleading with


shut out my brothers forever,” he said. “That‘s a request, not an

from him. He would let me have my time with him but he would keep making a

said. “Please, please, tell me what you‘re thinking,” he said. “You thinking about the times

Christmas when I was thirteen and you guys were sixteen. Felix... put me out in the snow for oversleeping and not making breakfast. Alex was angry too. He agreed with that punishment.”

knew it was not lust. He was mind linking his brothers.

me just don‘t ignore me,”


karma. I’ve never even given that a second thought but every night I think about you. Every single day you spent here. Every time

the first time Alex had said he loved me. Felix had been saying it since the day after my birthday. I opened the door. Alex literally got down on his

wanna do this, Baby, with a whip and a gag

embraced Alex to Felix‘s chagrin. The eldest Alpha stood up and lifted me easily. I wrapped my legs around him, my hands on his face. He crashed his lips to mine, kissing me like he had not seen me in years. He left me

gonna tell me that you hate me again?” Said the fiercest of the Alphas. I did not.

brushing my nose against his.


12 Merry

forgive me either. You can hate me, but you‘re not going anywhere. If you leave, I‘ll follow you. If you hide, I‘ll find you. I‘m never letting you go I‘ll never force you to show me love but I‘ll never stop loving

the most important fight of my

wall. He kept his hand behind my head so it would not hit the wall. Before I knew it he tossed me on the bed and lunged at me, crashing his lips against mine, his hands gripping my hips. The heat in my stomach was so intense. His tongue explored my mouth. I was so breathless, I was lightheaded. I managed to pull away from Felix only for Alex to claim my lips again. He brought me to him, making me straddle him as he kneeled on the bed. I




your presents then, Baby?” Asked Felix.

and Felix carried me to the Christmas tree, cradling my head to his chest. Alex and Calix followed closely behind. Their parents looked at us strangely. They probably thought we had the most dramatic relationship ever. Felix nibbled on my ears and rubbed my shoulders while I opened

off but you should be able to get around if you need to,” said Felix,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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