Chapter 31: A Nauseating Night 

The rest of the day was more of the same. Felix was stared at by everyone and was incredibly comfortable with this and frankly used to it. I was more used to being invisible and mostly hid behind Felix. Teachers were thrilled to have one of the Alphas grace their classrooms.

At lunchtime, everyone surrounded us, listening intently to Felix talk about anything and everything. They hung off his every word and tried to extra friendly with me. The four football players who had come to my rescue that day came over to say hello. Felix seemed to know about them helping me. Of course, Calix must have told him. They all bounced knuckles with Felix and talked about plays and strategies when it came to football. Felix, Alex and Calix had been the star players back when they were students here which was only about three years ago. Eventually we surrounded by the entire football team and the cheerleaders as Felix recounted how he and his brothers had been instrumental in winning the championship game. Everyone gasped and cheered during his tale. I ate quietly and kept my eyes downcast on my food. Felix nudged me.

“What’s wrong, Baby?” He murmured in my ear.

“Nothing,” I mumbled, smiling halfheartedly at him.

Felix frowned.

He had not done anything wrong, per say, but it was difficult feeling like the only thing that suddenly made me worthy was being mated to the triplets. Almost no one, including the triplets, had treated me like a person before I had been mated to the three beloved Alphas. Felix and I were invited to some house party by the head cheerleader, Moxie. I had no intention of going.

“You’re not going to this party without proper supervision, ok?” Said Felix sternly.

“I’m not going at all!”I protested.

Felix stopped in his tracks on the way to the parking lot. “Why not?”

He looked concerned. “Why don’t you want to go?” Asked Felix, his eyes wide. “If you want to go, one of us will take you, whoever’s shift it is will take you, ok?”

I shook my head furiously. “I hate parties!”I exclaimed.

Felix looked at me like I was insane.

“Why?!” Demanded Felix incredulously.

“Because, I hate dancing and crowds so naturally I don’t like something that combines those two,”||

said simply.

Felix smirked. “Chasity, you’re in high school! You should try to enjoy it. Make some happy memories, “said Felix encouragingly.

“Ok, sure, good talk,” I said dismissively, Felix frowned,

We had reached the car. Alex was here to pick us up with Calix in the passenger seat. Felix opened the

door for me and then he got in.

“How’d it go?” Asked Alex as though he’d been worried.

Purred Felix. Alex rolled his eyes but smiled,

more bullies?” Said Calix, looking at me, his eyes questioning

bullies,” I

added Felix. “In fact, our little Princess Chasity here is

she wants to hang out with them tonight at a


party sounds like fun!” Calix said brightly. “Why don’t we all

college. It’s a joint thing with high school seniors and

sounds cool,” Alex

don’t wanna

not, Luna?” Asked Alex. “I just don’t,”

Baby!”Felix insisted. Why were they so hell bent on me going to this stupid

Luna, you don’t know many of the pack members very well, old and young

Baby, and we’re sorry if we’re part of the reason you’ve always been

to at least get to know some of the pack members in your

continued Calix.

She’s a mother to the entire pack and the

the names and basic info about each member to keep

if you don’t

good mother knows what’s up with all of her babies. A she-wolf has to keep a track of her

Calix said.

hated when they were right. I squirmed a little bit. Being with the triplets meant I had to be their Luna. I technically already was in

for me until I

to the

all grinned

Third Person

and waiting on their mate, Chasity. They hoped this party would serve two purposes: one, to help their little luna get to know her pack members and two, to help get her mind off of whoever was out there trying to get her. They had already arranged for several pack warriors to come to the party dressed in

looking into the attempted kidnapping had notified them of

whose finger prints had all been burnt off and who did not seem to have been registered


ongoing investigation. They wanted to present Chasity with something comprehensive and satisfying. They wanted the whole story. What was the connection between the tattooed werewolves: a

Chasity’s POV

them to make sure. I wore a sparkly black figure-hugging mini dress and high heels. I left my hair down. I put on red lipstick that I felt suited me.

Luna,” he murmured against my

area and he took that as an opportunity to plant kisses down my neck to my shoulder. He swayed with me back and forth on the spot as though we were dancing. He twirled me and dipped me. As he dipped me,

I drove to the head cheerleader’s house. She lived in a sprawling mansion almost as large as the pack house. Out front there were dozens and dozens of cars parked in the huge driveway and snow-covered lawn. There were teenagers and young adults in the porch, smoking, drinking, laughing and nodding their heads to the upbeat base-heavy music coming from inside.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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