Chapter 32: Misgivings and the Moon 

The three she-wolves blocked my path to the bathroom on the stairway’s landing. In the middle was Tonya, Felix’s most recent ex, clad in a red dress so tight it looked painted on. She had olive skin, deep brown eyes and long, bone-straight black hair. Flanking her were Calix’s ex, Avery, in a blue sequin mini dress with her shoulder-length light blonde hair, blue eyes and pale skin, and Alex’s ex, Sandra, with her long vibrant red hair, green eyes and light sprinkling of freckles across rosy skin. Sandra wore a micro-mini

dark green velvet dress. Currently all six eyes had turned black and were filled with envy and hatred. All three outfits were splattered with my vomit.

“I’m so so so sorry, girls,” I said feebly.

“For stealing our boyfriends or for ruining our clothes?” Bellowed Sandra.

“I didn’t steal them, they’re my mates and they chose to break up with you!” I retorted. “I’m sorry for the clothes!” I specified, my temper rising.

“You little b***h!” Cried Sandra trying to grab me by my wrist. I was furious now too. My wolf was snarling, jealous and threatened and outraged. I snatched my hand away from Sandra and literally growled at her, baring my canines. Something the old Chasity or perhaps, Charity, would have never done

Sandra recoiled a little. Tonya and Avery glared. “So you think you’re hot stuff now, huh, you think you’re actually worth something now?!” Spat Avery.

“Not a chance!” Added Sandra venomously.

I rolled my eyes.

“You should have heard the horrible things they used to say about you!” Said Tonya. That actually made me a little worried. My eyes widened a bit “Didn’t they tell you all the awful stuff they said about you to everyone including us?” Asked Sandra in

mock innocence.

“Especially us!” Corrected Avery.

That stung a little. Had the triplets insulted me behind my back? They used to do so to my face but this felt worse somehow like they must have truly disliked me. Tonya smirked.

“Felix would go on and on about how fat and pathetic you were! How your cooking sucks and you always gave attitude as a maid when you should just be grateful that their parents let your poor ass stay in the pack house,” snarled Tonya.

“Alex thought you were ungrateful too and that you didn’t deserve to live in the pack house because you had no respect for any of them and were entitled!” Growled Sandra.

“Calix said you broke his nose when you were little but still constantly played the victim as if you

were so innocent when you were just as vicious if not more!” Hissed Avery.

I took a deep breath, fighting back tears. The girls seemed satisfied,

“Alex, Baby!” Squealed Sandra suddenly, tossing her long flaming red hair. “Look at what this brat did to me!” She shrieked, gesturing towards her dress.

My heart plummeted. For one horrifying second, I thought Alex was rushing up the stairs to cormfort

Sandra. He would take her in his arms and say she was beautiful right in front of me and then my heart

would break. It would shatter. Alex bounded up the stairs and my wolf and I waited terrified. He came to us and snatched me up, enveloping me in his arms.


“Little Luna!” He murmured against my skin, his face buried in my neck. “Are you ok? What

happened? Where’d you run off to?”

“I had to use the bathroom,” I said softly.

“Did you?” He asked. I shook my head. Alex spotted the open door behind the three she-wolves on

the landing leading to a white-tiled bathroom.

“Excuse us, ladies,” he said politely but indifferently. “Alex!” Shrieked Sandra. “She vomited on us!” Cried Sandra, disgusted.

sick,” said Alex matter-of-factly, “and if you hadn’t blocked her way to the bathroom

called her a burden and…” screeched

and locked the door. I made him face the wall while I used the bathroom. I washed my hands

soft high-pitched voice. I was

so I would not fall over. The room still swam before my very eyes but it

spun round

direction that the voice had come from: Roxie, Felix’s ex girlfriend


ok,” said

talk to her for a minute?” Asked Roxie sheepishly. I tried to hide

be right in the pantry looking for a snack

You know where

I looked away from her, focused on siting up straight. Mina and Tina had been driven home after they both drunkenly fell


Tanya, Sonia and… Avalon,” she began, somewhat unsure of

those names are

girls, they were giving

were dating

jealous. They’d

was in the gym shower and they even

“But, you’re popular! You’re outgoing! You’ve always had…friends, money!” I said waving my hands all over this colossal house.

difference. Everyone hoped to be Luna and they acted crazily over it. Alex’s girlfriend at the time, my friend Clair dealt with the same thing. So did Rosie! She was

let go when a guy meets

you and Felix break up?”I

for me. He really was. He

never gotten the point of werewolf relationships where you know you’ll have to break

mate but to each his own. I felt a little insecure that Moxie broke up

not the

did fight, We’d argue a

she said laughing about it now and shaking her

away. “You were only seventeen at the time and Felix

bit when I was head cheerleader and he was

me and we both dated other people until aged twenty when we got back together pretty unexpectedly. I was livid that he was like obsessed with this little maid girl that lived in his house, no offence. Ugh, that sounds so snobby and awful saying it out-loud like that,” said Roxie, covering her face. “He was always either whining about something wrong you’d did or how you looked at him as if

I asked, holding my breath for some

to me, her eyes faraway. “The painting of you looking all sullen and forlorn in your hand-me-downs sitting on the pack house porch steps. I mean you were always a pretty girl,” admitted Roxie

you’ve been through. Felix was terrified you would reject him as a mate and say no to the marriage proposal. He was scared he’d wake up one

told you all

mean we’ve been friends for years and years even

daughter, didn’t you know

No, I didn’t!

thirties,” I mumbled. He looked too young to have

old daughter.

look young,” she said with a wave of

had a whole life that I felt I wasn’t privy to. Their time with me was like a private little fantasy world. I

a tray of snacks: brownies, chips with dip, soft pretzels and


picked some stuff,”

“Charlista?”| asked.

Roxie’s younger sister, who walked into the kitchen at that


you ok?” Calix asked, coming up to me and stroking my

you run off to? What happened? I missed you,” Felix said rushing forwards and

to notice I was missing,”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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