Chapter 380 It Was Young Madam Greens’ Responsibility 

Emily and the others enjoyed the meal in harmony. The happiest person was Peiying. If Zhenting had not called, she would not have been willing to go back. After a simple farewell, Emily sent Peiying downstairs. On the way, she still couldn’t hold back and asked, “Mrs. Greens, it might be a little presumptuous of me to ask this, but I still want to ask, how is Mr. Greens’ situation abroad?” Hearing this, Peiying turned her head to look at her. “I thought you wouldn’t ask.” As she spoke, she couldn’t help but stop in her tracks. With a complicated look in her eyes, she said, “You know why I didn’t agree with you being together with Lucas before. Because your birth is simply unable to help Lucas. For example, if you were the daughter of a certain powerful family, the things that Lucas encountered would be easily resolved, and he wouldn’t be facing these things alone outside right now.” When these words came out, Emily’s expression froze, and her heart was constantly surging with emotions. It was very uncomfortable. But before she could say anything, Mrs. Greens suddenly changed the topic and sighed. “Although his father and I don’t think well of you, you are still…” Originally, Peiying wanted to say that she was the children’s mother, but when she thought about it, her son had not told Emily about it, so she swallowed her words back and changed it to, “Lucas has taken a fancy to you and is determined. For you, he almost abandoned his parents.” Hearing this, it would be a lie to say that Emily was unhappy. 

Peiying also saw it and felt a little sad. “Although we won’t force Lucas, we won’t easily agree to this unless Doctor Armstrong proves to us that you can take the responsibility of Young Madam of Greens family.” Emily was stunned and surprised when she saw Mrs. Greens’ sharp gaze. She never expected that Mrs. Greens would make such a request. However, she was not even a boyfriend or girlfriend with Lucas now. She did not know how to answer this. Moreover, she also felt a little guilty in her heart. She did not forget how she had retorted that she had nothing to do with Lucas. 

Just as she was embarrassed and at a loss, a black car stopped at the gate of the community. 

Zhenting came down from the top and saw that Emily and Peiying were at the gate. He could not help but be disappointed and asked, “Where are the two children?” “The two children are doing homework at home.” 

goodbye to Emily, “Doctor Armstrong, good night.” “Good night.” Emily nodded to bid farewell. Seeing the two cars gradually disappear into the streets, she breathed a sigh of relief, but her heart became heavy. Obviously,

Because of this, she quickly threw this matter to

suspicious thing is that this person is good at gambling. After work every day, he would gamble. But during those days, he

Harold, who was about to run away,

When Y City’s wealthy businessmen learned of this news, they were all shocked by Lucas’ iron-blooded methods. In less than a day, the Zhenhong Group lost hundreds of millions, and it was still ongoing. In the office, Ruan Xun heard his assistant report the

describe Lucas as a noble son, then he would be an unremarkable commoner.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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