Chapter 379 Shameless! 

The next morning, Chase Smith came to Greens family early. 

Although the two families were unhappy because of the previous incident, their friendship was still there, let alone now that Chase Smith took the initiative to ask for peace. 

Therefore, Peiying did not refuse Chase Smith. 

“Some time ago, my father sent me abroad to deal with the project, so I haven’t come to see Aunt for a while. Aunt won’t blame me, right?” 

Chase Smith pretended to be cute. Seeing that she was willing to pretend to be obedient, Peiying was happy to cooperate. She smiled and said, “How can I blame you? You youngsters of course need to work hard!” “Aunt is right. This overseas training has made me grow a lot.” Chase Smith echoed Peiying’s words. The two of them chatted, and the atmosphere was quite good. 

The topic unconsciously brought up the recent rumors. 

Chase Smith pretended to be embarrassed and said, “Auntie Edwards, in fact, I have another task for coming here today.” 

“What task?” 

said truthfully, “It’s like this. Recently, my father has seen too many bad remarks about the Greens Group outside. The Greens Group’s stock is also very turbulent. My father wants to say that if you need us, the Smith family, to do

was very clear in her heart that Chase Smith came to show goodwill at this time with a purpose. Because of this, her interest faded a lot, but the expression on her

no need for that. Lucas

powerful, he will definitely

Smith still noticed the

looked at Greens family’s old house with anger and unwillingness, and her heart was full of hatred. She never thought that Greens family would not give her face when she was so respectful. And that b*tch Emily was really shameless. To think that she had told Emily everything before. That woman actually forgave Lucas so easily and even went on a trip with Lucas again. The more Chase Smith thought about it, the angrier she became. She even felt like she was lifting a rock and smashing her own foot. And Emily did not know about all this. After rejecting her senior, she returned to her previous peaceful life. However, when she saw that Greens family’s accident was becoming more and more intense on the Internet, she was extremely worried. However, when she asked Lucas before, the man reported the good news but

was lost in her thoughts, the kindergarten ended. The kids held hands and skipped out of the kindergarten. When they saw Emily standing by the street, they ran over happily. “Be good, let’s go home. Your great-grandmother has already made dinner.” Emily rubbed the two little black hair one by one and brought them back. Unexpectedly, just as

down at the two little ones and tried to put on a gentle expression. She took the initiative to greet them, “Ethan, Sofia, did you


to do at home, so she hasn’t been free to come to see you.” Peiying

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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