Chapter 378

Already Have Someone Hearing the man’s gentle voice, Emily smiled with satisfaction. Then she remembered the time difference between the country and abroad and urged, “Well, go to rest. It should be early in the morning on your side. You should be able to sleep for a while.” 

In fact, Lucas did not want to hang up the phone, but he could not persuade Emily, so he could only agree in the end. 

However, before he hung up the phone, he said worriedly, “Stand where you are and don’t wander around. The people I send will arrive soon.” “Okay.” After Emily nodded and replied, she hung up the phone. Just as she put away her phone, she heard Cheng Yankai’s gentle voice. “Is it your friend?” 

Emily paused for a moment and nodded gently. Obviously, she did not want to say more. 

However, thinking of the purpose of coming out tonight, she changed the topic and said euphemistically, “Thank you for your invitation tonight. The opera is wonderful, but it’s a pity.” Cheng Yankai was also a sensitive person. When he heard Emily’s polite words, he immediately understood what Emily meant. He was being rejected. But he didn’t want to give up like this. He looked at Emily with burning eyes and said in a deep voice, “Can you tell me the reason?” “I think you deserve better.” Emily replied naturally. Perhaps she wanted the senior to give up completely. She deliberately said, “You also know that I have two children. The birth of their father is unknown, and some things happened a few years ago. Although it has passed now, it still has an effect.” 

was talking about, and his eyes flickered. “I don’t mind what you said. As for the children, although I don’t have much contact with them, I can see that the two children have been taught very well by you. They are very sensible. I will also treat them as

respond for a moment. On the other hand, Cheng Yankai looked at the expression on her face and recalled the way she had called just now. He could not help but have some guesses in his heart. “Junior, do you have

Do I? 

for a moment, then simply nodded

senior, don’t

and said apologetically, “Sorry, this is my private matter.” Looking at the woman who was polite and distant in front of him, Cheng Yankai knew that if he continued to ask, she would be annoyed. In the end, he gave up asking. Just as he was about to pretend to be generous and say a few words, an untimely voice sounded beside them. “Doctor Armstrong, the young master asked me to bring you back.” He saw a young man in a black suit respectfully come to Emily’s side. Emily recognized him. He was the son of the housekeeper of Lucas’ family. She nodded slightly and turned around to say, “Senior, I’ll go back first.” Seeing this, Cheng Yankai could only watch Emily leave with a secretive expression. After a moment, he took out his phone and dialed a number. “Go check the license plate number. I want to know who the car belongs to.” After he finished speaking, he reported a string of numbers. Emily did not know about this. When she got home, she went to rest. As for the young man, after watching her go upstairs, he called Lucas to report. Although

look, indicating that he should continue what he had not said just

the collapse of the mine was normal. However, our people found some traces at the scene of the incident. It can be confirmed that the collapse of the mine was man-made. As for

end, his face

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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