#Chapter 28 A midnight stroll

Doris woke in the middle of the night to find William sound asleep beside her. It was a nice and safe sight, she hated waking up to find him already gone or awake. He was always such an early riser.

Sweat drenched her skin, her dreams rattled her wide awake to the point that she could barelycatch her breath. It all happened in quick flashesthat she could barely grasp onto.

There was... fire. A lot of fire and fighting butnone of it was clear to Doris. What was on fire?
Was she trapped in it—or did she start it? Itdidn’t make sense to her, she wanted to dissecteverything about it but it was already fading fastfrom her mind.

All she knew was that it would be hard to fall back asleep with the whisper of death on her skin.
The clocks told her that it wasn’t far pastmidnight. She slowly got out of bed and put ona silk robe to cool her skin.

“Must you walk around instead of just closing your eyes again?” Cordelia groaned inside her. “ Alec isn’t even awake yet.”
“T can’t sleep. I don’t feel even an ounce bit tired.” Doris said quietly. She glanced out the window to see the kingdom was sound asleep like she should have been. She checked in on Alec to see him bundled in all his blankets. He was already growing out of his onesies and it made her sad to see him grow up so fast even though he was still super tiny. She wanted him to stay this small forever.

Suddenly her adrenaline felt higher than the ceiling. It would be so nice to run through the forest and feel the cold air on her fur. The room felt stuffy and tight even though it was one of the biggest rooms in the entire kingdom—she couldn’t explain it.

She felt Cordelia sigh. “You want fresh air? Would that help you sleep if I let you run?”
“Yes, a million times yes.” Doris whispered. She tried not to think about the note that fell out of her shifter book when she picked it up to read last night.

Daemon encouraged her to take a little more power than Cordelia gave... but Doris wasn’t sure if it was the wisest thing to do even if it felt good.

She felt like a different person entirely when her wolf gave her power. She no longer felt small and helpless to the world—she felt as if no one could stop her even if they tried.

Daemon wanted to see her push herself to be the best she could, but an uneasy ache hummed inside her whenever she thought of him. She knew that she couldn’t trust him... not at all.
Cordelia didn’t say a word, only pushed Doris towards the balcony and made her open the door. Silently, she closed it behind her.
“What are you doing?” Doris asked. It was much colder than she expected it to be.

“We're going on a run.” Cordelia said simply. “ That’s what you wanted, isn’t it?”
“Well, yes! But we’re stories high, Cordelia. I can go down the stairs—“
“And risk his guards following you or waking William to let him know that you left in the middle of the night? He would tear through this forest to find you.”
“How can I possibly make this jump? We would die!” Doris said.
Cordelia laughed. “Perhaps in your human form, but not in your wolf form. Drops like these are nothing. You’ll see.”
Without another word, Cordelia ripped through Doris like never before. The pain was over in an instant and before she knew it, she was already on all fours ready to take the leap.

one of the lower roofs below before she leapt off that one too. The guards didn’t even notice or hear her when she landed in the

having to ask. She felt it through her bones and noticed how she glowed a bit in

Would she have been able to land that jump without her power? Doris guessed not.
She felt like lightening flickering through the darkness as she moved. It was so odd being able to see everything clearly when normally she would have been blind to the darkness.
“Tonight, I want you to try something but it might be risky.” Cordelia said.
“What is it? I’ll do it,” Doris said without a hesitation.
“The reason why it might be a little risky is because of how much noise it will make.”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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