Chapter 30

She doesn’t belong here.

Lloris siuod quickly when the the NYDETUR naked min She only winced a little from the pain of her foot, but it was quickly fine. He ware i black milk and dark clothin the inuld tell he was quite tall and well built but she didn’t D u his Temat all who are you? How did you get in here! Doris asked, she planed at the ald man but he didn’t loak surprised at all. Did he know hlen? Had he planned this?

The asked men ignored her and began to try and open his cell door. The old man glanced at Doris with sadness in his gaze. She wasn’t entirely sure why he was looking at her that way. “I want you to get her aut as well. She doesn‘t belong in here.

Doris parted her lips in surprise, she didn’t expect him to actually want to help her get out of here. The asked man made an impatient noise and looked her up and down before dismissing her when he turned back to the old man.

“We don’t have time for this, we only have seconds before someone realizes I’m here.” He said, volce deep and rushed. She didn’t recognize his voice at all. Not like she did when she heard Prince Daniel speak and realized exactly who it was when she saw his face.

“She doesn’t belong in here.” The old man repeated More firmly. The masked man paused what he was doing for a moment and locked eyes with him.


switches the marked mini Bantud lo worlu

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here. He pronised he would coint and interrote me HIT heur until I him what he wants. If I’m not in liente, he’ll have the entire grounds arched for me until I’m found and I

You must be Daris, aren’t you?” “The

her but she didn’t know why. Perhaps he was only grateful he didn’t have to find a way for her

Daris. She responded, Tervously picking ather nails. Who was this

would know why he was in here in the first place. Änd-his name of course. She wished she

going to hold court tomorrow to judge your case. I think you’re right that Prince Jack will come by soon to get whatever information he wants from you,

her blood run cold. If her case was


survive it. In just one muuting with him, he’d braken

how it was even possible. Didn’t he realize how many people he could help with a power like that? Did the palace know he had those sort of powers! Would they make him

Doris.” The old man said gently. slowly pulling her from her mashing thoughts. “All your wounds will heal, but your heart will not if you turn

heart toured beneath her palm. “I–I don’t know how far he’ll go

man stepped up to the bars and held out his hand for her. She hesitated before she let him take it. He squeezed once before he let her go … “You should not lose your life for anything. Don’t you know every monster has

night she beat Doris in front of people who didn’t stop her. It didn’t feel like Melody had her limits then, Doris was positive she was going to die if Prince William hadn’t

and her here he thought

to Bald. The thout this laugh but it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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