Chapter 35 Dont move.

Doris wiped her sweaty palms against her cloak. This would not be a pleasant night, she was sure of it. A hundred questions moed through her mind she didn’t have an answer to a single ane. Did he want her to serve him the whole night? Why didn’t he have another maid do this? Surely there were dozens of closer, more suited maids to tend to his

The footman glanced back at her once they reached his door as if he was finally checking to make sure she followed. Doris released a shaky breath and put her hand on her chest to feel how fast her heart raced. It was not exciting to be serving the most Totten princezalone. What if he tried to pin her to his bed again? What if he had been drinking? The man knocked twice before he opened the door. The chamber was extremely dim, only a few candles lit the area. “Prince William, I’ve brought the maid you requested.” “Let her in.” His deep voice drew her gaze to the window where he stood with his back to them. She cautiously entered and flinched when the door clicked shut behind her. “Good evening, your majesty.” Doris curtsied, trying to keep her voice calm. Prince William slowly tumed to look at her, a sense of resentment crossed his face for a moment when their eyes locked. Doris held her breath and curled her hands into fists at her side. “You know, I would never let a liar near me like this.” Prince William said, a flicker from the candle lit up his stony face. His blue eyes always held a

Time of their own when his emotions were on high

he turned away from her and locked out the window again. The stars were so bright in the sky, it almost distracted her from his tense shoulders. After a moment of silence, Prince William turned back to look at her. “You’re the only exception. But if I catch you lying to me again, you’ll suffer a lot worse than you have now.” Doris swallowed and nodded her head. “Use your words.” He demanded. “Yes Prince William, I understand. Doris bowed her head. “May I serve you some tea?” Prince William looked her up and down, she only wished she had more time to cover her marks with makeup before she came. “Yes.” Doris unclasped her cloak and hung it by the door before she prepared a tray and carefully poured a warm cup of tea for the prince. One of her hands was still bandaged and healing, even in ounce of pressure made her suck in a sharp breath. She sensed every step he made even with her back to him, she knew his eyes followed her every movement and it only made her hand shake more. When

out the color of his

she most forgotten how DELT that were up close. She’d never

looked dark

like a stern W

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The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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