Chapter 49 Lets have some fun

. “I swear I don’t know anything Jules pointed his knife at her. “No, no. None of that. If you’re not going to tell us anything useful, keep that pretty mouth shut before I bash your face in.” Doris closed her lips and glanced between the two men “How many hits do you think before she starts talking?” Darrell asked. “I’d say six…but let’s go for ten.” Jules turned his knife around and hit her right in the nose with the hilt. It rocked her head back hard enough to hear a crack. Doris swore she saw stars for a moment, blood strained down her chin from just one hit. “Is the palace planning an attack on the rogues? Is the prince here to scout our areas out?” Darrell asked as he leaned over with his hands on his knees to look at her. She wished she could spit on both of them but she was afraid of what they would do to her. They looked crazy enough to kill her right now and she wouldn’t be sorry if they did. Doris kept her lips closed, Jules immediately hit her again. “He asked you a question! Can’t you hear?” “I don’t know anything about what the palace does!” Doris coughed when she inhaled some of her own blood. How many times would she be beaten before her body would finally give up on her? She regretted the day she ever agreed to be Melody’s lay’s maid. If she hadn’t, she might have been in the library with a book and warm chocolate right now. Not here… being beaten for the third time since she changed jobs. Jules held out his hand. “Give me the clippers.”

Darrell looked feral with excitement when he placed the clippers in his hand. He hovered behind his shoulder to watch what was to come. Part of her wished they would just stick them in her heart and end it all. “Maybe you can answer this. How many guards did the prince bring with him?” Jules asked, he twirled the clippers in his hand as if he was taunting her. “I… I think over a dozen.” Doris whispered. It was a harmless enough question. Doris knew it had to be much more than that, perhaps they would underestimate him if they decided to go after him again. He was a force, he would easily rip both of these men apart if he were here. But… he wasn’t here. He wasn’t coming to save her and rip these men in half. He was miles away already and she couldn’t even save herself while tied to this useless chair. Doris desperately searched the room for something to help her out of it. If one of them dropped their blade, she could use it to cut herself free “Good girl, that’s what we like to see. More talking … it’s good for you. Keeps you alive for a few minutes longer!” Jules grinned down at her as if she were a dog that finally did his trick. “Next question … where is the prince headed?” “I don’t know-” Jules stabbed her in the shoulder with his knife, Doris screamed in agony. “That’s not what I asked. When I ask questions, I like answers.” He grabbed her ear and yanked her towards him, “Last chance…” He hovered the clippers in front of her face. Doris felt as if her life flashed before her eyes. Was he going to stab her or cut off her fingers? When she didn’t say anything, he took the clippers and cut off the top of her ear. Doris screamed as

her and pressed his hands down over her mouth. “Shhhh Be

her. He looked deranged and excited to see her suffer. To see her struggle for her life. She felt something hard against her leg, he rubbed himself against her as he choked the life out of her. His groans were sickening, she would’ve rather him stab her a hundred times than ever hear those noises from his mouth. “Jules, we can’t kill her yet!” Darrell hissed. Jules kept his grip for a second more before he let her breathe again and got off her. “I don’t think we’re gonna get her to talk,” Jules adjusted his pants as Doris gasped for air. She felt sick to her stomach when she realized what had been pressing against her leg. She knew the rogues were horrible, but this was unbearable. They were pure animals and nothing she could say or do would help her now “Let me try,” Darrell leaned down to observe her. She was afraid to feel her ear, she didn’t know how much he had taken off but she knew it wouldn’t look good. It hurt like hell and every breath made her

with a laugh before he smashed her head back against the hard floor Doris saw the room spin, she tried to gasp but he only gripped her head

is coming back?” Darrell asked. She heard a chair squeak as if they were standing “I heard he won’t be here for a few days at least. We should be good before then.” Jules replied and plopped


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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