Chapter 52 You’re safe here, Doris.

When Doris didn’t object, Enzo dragged the chair a bit closer so he wouldn’t be so far away. Still, he made sure to keep a respectable distance between them. “I know you’ve probably heard some horror stories about our pack—and had to live through one unspeakable experience but I hope I can help you understand us a little more.” Enzo leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. After what she went through, she didn’t think it would be possible for her to see them in any other light no matter how nice he was to her. “Years ago, our pack was able to break away from Royal House Arnold and their corruptive ruling. We made a life for ourselves out here—”. “Excuse me,” Doris interrupted. “Did you say Royal House Arnold has a corruptive ruling? What do you mean by that?”

Enzo looked at her with furrowed brows.

venture into the towns away from the palace.” Understanding lightened his eyes.” You’re a servant to the palace, aren’t you?” “Yes, of course I am. What else would I be?” “I thought you might have been the prince’s-never mind. It doesn’t matter. I’ll tell you how they treated their own citizens.” He stood and hovered near the unlit fire place. “You don’t mind if I light this, do you?” “No, you can.” Doris said. She watched as he leaned down to light the logs and warm the room. It was a small sense of relief to feel

poor had no rights and it was impossible for us to live. “They took advantage of us, and they still do for those that remain there. Even those of us who were alphas had no rights. The king took pleasure in knowing he could control those who couldn’t afford to

to the palace and not even get

make a name for ourselves out here. We couldn’t have the kingdom coming to rip apart what we made here. They tried when they heard we wouldn’t listen to their ruling any longer. They came with hundreds of guards to tear us down but we were

she believed that at least. As horrible as some of the royal members were, she saw goodness in those princes. Even William-deep down. “Are you referring to Prince William?” Enzo said with disbelief in his tone. “Yes, of course I mean him-” “Prince William has been brutal since the moment he came into the north. He’s been acting crazed since you were taken.” “What do you mean? I know he defended himself when we were ambushed but surely you understand” “No, he’s hunted down rogues who wished him no harm looking for you. Last I heard, he was tearing through each village to make sure you weren’t there.” Doris’s lips parted, there was no way that was true. She thought he would have already been to the market by now and forgotten all about her. Why would he be searching so wildly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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