Chapter 72 I wont tell if you wont.

Doris watched the men wander back to their cottages without a single glance back at her and stood frozen in the snow. She watched as her breath form clouds of fog in front of her but made no effort to move towards warmth. “It won’t be hard for you to pretend.” Said a voice in her mind. Doris glanced around to make sure it hadn’t come from someone else. “What?” Doris asked out loud. Her voice sounded so small in the breath of wind. “That’s our mate, it’ll be say for you to pretend to be his wife.” Doris realized she was speaking to her inner wolf. She’d heard it speak a few times before, but both times she had been in a fever dream state where she wasn’t focused enough to understand what was happening. Now that she was more aware, she realized how strange it was to have something inside her speak to her like this. It sounded as if it knew

more than she could ever hope to, perhaps it did. But not about this. “He’s not our mate.” Doris said silently. She could have sworn the voice scoffed at her words. “Melody is his mate.” “We both know that’s not true. She faked her mark to take your place. Everyone knew he was looking for a mark.” “Doris?” A voice called from behind her. Doris turned to see Patrick standing a few feet away, his hands still stained in blood. Or perhaps she was imaging it again. She blinked and his hands were clean again. “What’re you doing out here?” “Oh, I was just… thinking.” Doris wrapped her cloak tighter around herself. The wolf inside her retreated and she knew they were done for now. Would it always be this way? Would the wolf inside her always come out to say its opinions even when they’re wrong. Patrick shoved his hands deep in his pockets. “It’s quite an odd place to be doing a thing like that. You’ll freeze to death.”

Doris nodded and went to back up a little towards her cabin until a thought stopped her. “How come the man

you mean?” “I mean, William was able to heal me with his. He didn’t need a cure, how come the man didn’t have someone just do the same? Patrick laughed a little, she frowned. What was so funny about her question? It had been on her mind ever since she saw how sick he was. Why didn’t he just … have someone give him blood like William did? “A normal werewolf’s blood can’t heal like William’s does. His blood is rare and not many can do what he does.” Doris’s lips parted a little. “Oh… is it because he’s royal?” “He’s royal, he’s an alpha. He’s not like any other wolf you’ll meet. No one can cure something as deadly as what you went through. He hoped it wouldn’t have resorted to you needing the

he saw the stunned look on her face. “It won’t all be so confusing once you learn more about it all. Listen, you should get some rest. It’s been a long day.” He was right, she did need rest. But how would she sleep after what

before after talking with Patrick, she wondered if he loathed the idea of pretending to be married to her and perhaps this was his attempt at avoiding

idea of it left her feeling… uncomfortably sad.

Yes, of course. He was one of the most awful men to have a conversation with. Everything she said made him mad at her for no reason. Doris shook the thoughts out of her head and took her time dressing for the day. She let her long hair stay down and dressed in warm pants and a sweater before she pulled on a pair of knee high boots. When she finally stepped

end of the row of cabins and motioned for Doris to stay quiet. Doris pressed her lips together and stepped over the snow carefully. “Listen.” Eliza mouthed to her before she turned and walked back up the path without another word. What on earth was she supposed to be listening for? Doris almost turned and followed her until she heard the voices. “…and that’s not what I came here for.” Said a deep voice. William’s voice? Who was he talking to? What did any of this have to do with her “We never know what we want until we see it.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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