Chapter 78 If we dont hurry, well catch another storm.

on. She slowed him down and made him do horrible things to defend her—was she worth that? “Why wouldn’t 1.” William grumbled. It sounded more like a statement rather than a question. “I saw you leave before the storm hit.” Doris curled and uncurled her fingers just trying to get feeling back in them. “I didn’t think you would care to, is all.” It seemed like the wrong thing to say almost instantly after she said it. His body turned hard as a rock against her back. He shoved her off him and stood. She watched as he wiped his pants as if he wanted any trace of her off of him. His warmth was immediately missed, he looked down at her with a bit of distaste and she forced herself to live without it. “It’s so hard to believe that I would?” He spat. Doris pressed her lips together. “It’s—” Doris hesitated and he narrowed his eyes at her when he heard it. “I’m just not sure if you even like me most of the time.” “You can believe what you want. Nothing I do will change that.” William went to sit on the other end of the cave. She could feel his anger as if she could slice through the air and grab it to crush against her fingers. It was as alive as he was. “That’s not true. Actions speak louder than words, which is why I’m confused.” Doris admitted and pressed her face into his coat. It smelled strongly like him and part of her wanted to bottle the scent and take it with her wherever she went. He didn’t say anything to her words. Perhaps he was confused himself. Perhaps he fought a similar battle she did where they both wanted to dance around the truth until their feet bled raw. She was glad to stay stubborn. It was safer that way. “I couldn’t change out there into my wolf when I wanted to.” Doris said after a few minutes of silence. He didn’t look at her, he only kept his blue eyes on the flames. “It doesn’t come at will.” He said. “It’s not easy to command it when it’s still new to you.” Doris frowned and leaned back against the wall of the cave. She closed her eyes and brought her arms around her legs to hold them to her chest. “At this rate, I’ll never learn.” “I told you I would teach you.” William said. He sounded almost as if he was bored.” It won’t be easy. I don’t like when people complain.” Doris opened her eyes and watched him across the fire. He wouldn’t look at her again and she didn’t blame him. She wasn’t much to look at to begin with, she must have looked like an ungrateful ghost. “Thank you for coming for me, William. I would have died without you.” William’s eyes flickered to her. She held her breath for a moment as they raked across her entire being. He didn’t acknowledge her words, he simply lowered his head a little. “Well?” He said.  “What?” “Do you want me to train you or not?” “Oh, yes. I would like that very much.” Doris swallowed and glanced down at the flames. How long would it take before she would be able to change at will? Did she even want to do something like that? Perhaps it was a good thing she couldn’t change. Then she might be able to ignore it until she died. They sat in silence for hours until she dozed off. She didn’t want to touch the topic of politics so soon after their last fight. What if he left her in the middle of the storm

we don’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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