Chapter 105 I’ll make it right without losing all of their trust.

“Enzo?” Doris whispered and glanced back at the door behind her to make sure Joseph hadn’t come back from the loud sounds. She hurried across the room and climbed on the dresser to see him better. “What are you doing out there?”

“I came to talk to you, of course.” He grinned. Doris wished she could hug him and strangle him at the same time. Now was not the time for his charms, even though she kind of missed him these past few hours. She tried to peer around him but only a rush of cold air greeted her face and chilled her cheeks. “He’s not here, love.”

“Why aren’t you inside talking to me? You own Life Pharmacy, don’t you?”

“Ah, I do. Currently, as you know, we have come to a bit of a disagreement and I’m afraid my appearance here will only shake the waters more than necessary. I just needed to speak with you for a bit without making it worse.”

“Where is William?” Doris asked, and almost cursed herself for it.

“He’s fine, he’s pacing my camp like a wild animal and growling at anyone that comes near him or mentions your name. As you can tell, he’s perfectly normal.” Enzo glanced behind his shoulder before he focused back on her. “I’m going to try and get them to release you sooner with whatever sway I have left. They haven’t hurt you, have they?”

“No, they’ve actually been respectful.”

“I’m glad to know that hasn’t changed.” He sighed and seated himself in the cold snow. She winced, it must have been utterly freezing. “Doris, there’s something I wanted to tell you before I go to William. I see you as someone that actually likes me rather than wanting me to fall off the nearest cliff and endure a horrible death.”

trying to make it right for the rogues if he becomes king, but I don’t think it would be wise for me

frowned. “I don’t blame you, Enzo. You didn’t order this to happen.” “Ah, of course you don’t. You are the sunshine to my current gloom. Do you blame me for wanting to take

if I was in your shoes, Enzo. What they did was unforgivable.”   “Then you wouldn’t blame me for still wishing the

you not trust that William would stay true

you had been in one of those

“I’m only a maid, Enzo. I have no business being in any of your meetings and I never took

thing I’ve ever heard you say, my love. You’re so much more than a simple maid and everyone knows it. You may still have those thoughts in your head, but I’d

subject. “Why are you here, Enzo? If not to break me out of this tiny hole. Which I already

much they doubled up on their guards and i knew it was a message to me.

take House Arnold down when

have to do what’s best for my people. I fear I’ve already lost

your misery.” Doris said with a small smile. How could she try to tell this man to trust William when she didn’t truly trust him herself? He hid parts of himself and exposed them at the times she least expected. Deep down, she knew he was a good man. As much as she hated to admit it, he was. But it was not her duty to

what Prince William has promised you and the rogues?”

unite our lands if we stand with him but I know the rogues don’t want that. We want to be free,

pay or what she had to do, she wanted to be free and that was the end of it. Even if it meant she was on her own.   og “No matter what he does, we will always be seen as the lowest of low. Even if he is king, nothing will change. That would take generations

that.” She squeezed and he smiled. “He wants support and I know he needs yours, but I can’t tell you to give it to him if it’s not what you think is right.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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