Chapter 117 I’m glad you came.

The next morning, Doris woke with a headache sharp enough to kill. William was still out next to her with his arm draped lazily across her body. She gently moved his arm just enough for her to slip out of his hold. “Finally, you’re awake.” A voice said inside her. Doris flinched at the sound.

“Cordelia?” Doris said hesitantly inside her mind. She glanced over to look at William still sleeping soundly. “Who else?” Cordelia grumbled. “Did you miss me?” “I thought you were gone—I didn’t feel you at all.” Doris got up to pace around the fire that had long gone out. She looked around for something to light it again but couldn’t find anything.

Cordelia laughed inside her as if it was all one big joke. Doris felt the sudden urge to strangle her with relief. “They wish they could have silenced me forever. I’m still here.”

“Where did you…go?” Doris asked.

“I was asleep. All I saw was darkness and suddenly I woke up and you were here with our mate.” Cordelia made a sound of approval. “I knew you would come around. Don’t think I missed your pleasurable night—”

“This isn’t the time for that,” Doris said quickly, her face flushed. “When William wakes up, we have to go help Enzo before it’s too late. I hope he’s doing okay out there, wherever he is.”

“Don’t I deserve some sort of day off?” Cordelia whined. Doris wanted to slap her and hug her at the same time. “I saw how tough Enzo is, he can handle himself. His wolf is almost stronger than William’s and much stronger than all of the other rogues we’ve met.”

“What are you doing?” William asked. Doris stopped her pacing and turned to find him wide awake with watchful eyes.

“My wolf-she’s awake.” Doris pointed to her head. William rolled his eyes. “Oh she is? Wonderful. I assume you’re ready for battle then?” William said as he pushed himself up to stand. “Care to explain what even happened to me?” Cordelia asked almost lazily as if she didn’t really care.

“We were drugged. It mostly was to put you out for a few days so I couldn’t defend myself.” Doris said silently. William raised his brows.

having a deep

not—I’m finished now, I swear.“ Doris moved to the cave entrance and peered outside.

on the floor and she felt her skin prickle just looking at him. How was he not freezing? “He’s going to

They must be going crazy searching for you all night.” Doris

me anytime soon.” William said quietly. His steps were light as he

followed William through the snow towards where she could only assume was towards Enzo’s camp. It was a wonder how he knew his direction so well when

only the wind whistled through the trees but nothing else

of where they

mouth to comment on the lake. “I don’t know if the cabins have been taken over by the other rogues or

to calm her breathing but it only made her want to choke the more they walked. They paused by a large tree and

one of the buildings and stayed close to the sides as the peered around the corner. The sight shocked her. Everything was ransacked and flipped over and it looked utterly abandoned. William moved out further into the camp to observe the wreckage but

him. William opened each cabin but there

When they got to her cabin, she went

startled her, he had shaven the roguish beard he’d grown. He looked fresh in a dark sweater

skin. He gripped her hand and eyed the knife on her belt that Enzo had

shoved her hands

of any other places to look?” William rolled his eyes and kicked at the snow. “We should have left when I said

then? I’m not the one who met every night with Enzo to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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