Chapter 144 Library of possibilities.

The library looked the same as it ever did-and it was just as empty. The large wooden doors closed loudly behind her, the first few weeks she worked here it used to make her flinch. Now, it made her want to sink right back into her daily routine and start her chores. No, she wasn’t here to be a maid. She was here because a prince had asked to see her – for whatever reason.

Prince Martin sat in the chair he favored near the tall windows. Her feet carried her there automatically and a strange sense of familiarity entered her bones. Did she actually miss this? Of course she did. The smell of old books and the peace she felt from this place it was unreal. It was the only job she ever wanted in the palace, even when it payed lower than the ones offered to her over the years. It was better to keep her sanity rather than have more money.

There with his blond head bent over a book, was Prince Martin. His posture was tense as if he knew she was watching him. She remembered the first day he had come in on her shift and headed straight for this chair without saying a word to her. So much had changed over the years.

Doris cleared her throat and bowed. “Prince Matin, you called for me?”

Prince Martin looked up and his grin covered his face. He looked so happy to see her-it almost left her breathless. She didn’t know why she thought no one would care when she was gone, but here was one person that seemed to.

“Doris,” Prince Martin stood and placed his book down before he went to kiss her hand. Her cheeks flamed instantly at the contact. He never really touched her before, and she didn’t expect him to start. “I’m so happy to finally see you, I feel as if it’s been ages.”

“Oh yes, it has felt like ages.” Doris smiled and pulled her hand back to her side. “How have you been, Prince Martin?”

Prince Martin waved away her question as if it was a bug in the air. “The same.”.

“The same? That can’t be true! I heard you had gotten married when I was gone!” Doris bounced on her toes with a wide smile on her face. He watched her with a grin. “How exciting! I’m sorry to have missed it, I bet it was truly beautiful.”

to replace the smile. “Thank you, Doris. But I didn’t call you in here to talk to me about

laughed nervously.

were plates of sweet cookies and

him. Her stomach was too confused to try and eat any of what was offered. “Very well, thank you for inviting me. I’m sorry I didn’t have much

eyes sparkled when he looked at her. Quickly, he cleared his throat and kept on before she had time to process what he said to her. “How was your trip? If I had known William planned on bringing a maid, I would have made him take someone else. I’m sorry he put you through that. I didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye. When I heard you were gone the next day,

shocked her. Why would he care so much whether she went or not? “Oh, it’s quite alright. It was… intense, but I think a lot of good came of it too. I never really had a chance

“You didn’t run into any trouble in the north? | heard it’s very dangerous there, though I haven’t been

half hearted laugh. She didn’t want to admit that she had a wolf inside her yet-that was something she had to discuss with William first. “William protected me, though. I’m grateful for him.

heroic type. And did you say the rogues aren’t so bad?” Prince Martin laughed as if she

and clearly his family didn’t see any of the good parts. She tried for another subject. “Do you

made it back before anything else happened,” Prince Martin leaned back in his chair. Doris’s eyes flickered to the gold ring on his finger. Why didn’t he want to talk about getting married? Doris would be so excited to share

know what he has?” Doris asked cautiously. It wasn’t right for a maid to question a prince, but she had been

we can’t seem to find what it is yet. One day he just couldn’t get

gripped his hand to squeeze. Hs

the book I had gotten you?” He asked suddenly. Heat

have a chance to get very far. We were ambushed at one point in the beginning of the trip and it must

if he was ready to deflate from his pure disappointment. “Oh. What a shame, I had written a lot of letters for you near the

raised her brows in surprise. “You did? What were they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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